• Hello everyone,

    I am using the beautiful Tanzaku theme, and am wondering if anyone knows how to limit the amount of text displayed for each post on the front page?

    I am also having difficulty changing the font size on just the Pages titles, as when I do it changes the size of the title of each individual post. Is there a way to code individual sizing?

    I apologize, I am a novice, but willing to learn!

    The site is up here right now: https://www.mathewdryhurst.com

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  • Mathew,

    I can see from your website you haven’t solved this yet.

    Fortunately, the answer is simple. Just insert the ‘more’ code that WordPress uses to create an extract after the first sentence or paragraph as you wish. You can also insert a custom insert within the edit page of the posts. You may need to scroll down a ways to see it. The tanzaku theme will use the custom excerpt first, then that within the body of the post if a custom excerpt doesn’t exist.

    I hope that explains it.

    Hey Yellowfields,

    I tried what you said
    My site – https://idesigncity.co.uk/iblog/

    WHat do you mean by ‘more’ code
    and I tried inserting value (paragraph) in Edit section but it still doesnt show..

    Would appreciate any comment on it..


    Hi janki_dee,

    When you are editing posts in WordPress there is an icon on the bar above that looks like two pages split in two by a dotted line (Visual view). That is the ‘more’ code. Insert your cursor at the point in the text that you want to your ‘excerpt’ to stop. This can be anywhere (after a few words, sentence or paragraph). The theme will just include the text up to this point in the grid view, and add the ‘Details ?’ or similar at the end. You can also customise what that is within index.php. You can also use the custom excerpt section if you want hand-crafted text instead. I hope that is a bit clearer.

    Got It ?? …Thank you so much ??

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