• The code that seems to be causing the problem is this: https://gist.github.com/JayWood/cb3ad2f8da610ee2b475

    The code is located in include/html/post-box.php and every-time we do an update I have to remove that from the plugin. Unfortunately that’s as far as I’ve gotten in troubleshooting as his site is really big and popular, so we’ve always got tons of traffic.

    Sites current stats:
    131,038 Posts
    ~80,000 Tags
    < 200 Categories

    Current PHP memory setting is at 256MB and server is a dedi box with 48GB DDR3 SDRAM, Dual Xenon E5506 Quad Core. At any given time, we range from 700-1000 active connections.


    1. Update the plugin
    2. When adding/editing a post, the WP visual editor buttons and MCE functionality disappears, even the TEXT tab is gone.
    3. Traced back to the code group above.

    If we can’t find a fix for this, I’ll just clone it to my repo and manage it like the middle man until I can get some time to figure out what EXACTLY is causing it.

    Looking at the code, considering the size of our post_meta table, I believe this could be the culprit, but it’s late and I really don’t have time to test:

    $sql = $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT post_id,meta_value FROM ' . $wpdb->postmeta . ' WHERE meta_key = %s ORDER by post_id DESC', 'wordtwit_post_info' );

    Edit 2:
    That query returned 84,000+ results on our database.


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