so of course disabeling the plugins didn’t work.
(the bug stays when all other plugins are but the wpml are desabled
and desabling the wpml plugin make the entire translated blog in accessible).
but for some reason disabling other plugins got wordpress spit out a bunch of notices related to the tag data.
so after about two hours of hacking at the code I figuerd out whats going wrong.
apperantly WPML calls it’s “tax_permalink_filter” twice on tags.
this adds the /en/en.
the reason for it is that WPML add the filter both for tag_link and term_link, and I guess some thing has changed in wordpress 3.1 since looking at the taxonomy.php you can see that now (I’m not sure about before but since this bug is new I guess it was diffrent) all links get the term_filter and there own filter line 2867 – 2872->
if ( ‘post_tag’ == $taxonomy )
$termlink = apply_filters( ‘tag_link’, $termlink, $term->term_id );
elseif ( ‘category’ == $taxonomy )
$termlink = apply_filters( ‘category_link’, $termlink, $term->term_id );
return apply_filters(‘term_link’, $termlink, $term, $taxonomy);
so what I did for now is comment out line 105 which adding the filter to the tag link in wpml file sitepress.class.php line 105-106 ->
//add_filter(‘tag_link’, array($this, ‘tax_permalink_filter’),1,2);
add_filter(‘term_link’, array($this, ‘tax_permalink_filter’),1,2);
I don’t think this will cause any other problems, but I don’t understand how nobody else using the wpml doesn’t have the same problem as I am