• Site; Raw Twig dot com;
    Problem page; More Books

    After weeks of trying to get my tables, images, text right I finally did it. Now i have no idea whats happened to the rest of the page.

    Can someone PLEASE tell me what i have done wrong now and how to fix it please.

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  • Found the site. Can’t see a page called More Books, or More, or Books. A URL would be nice, because at the moment I can’t understand your problem.

    And what’s all this disabling right-click nonsense? Does it stop me looking at your code? No. Does it mean I can’t use Firebug? No. So what are you trying to do?

    Sorry, it annoyed me a bit that your site makes it less convenient to use the tools we need to help you with your problem.



    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    More Books is in the menu.


    Yep, but what’s the problem? What do you want us to help you fix?

    And why are you using tables for layout?



    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    What i see on that page is my book pics with writing underneath sitting in the right place…. but half of the writing from the comment box below is between those 2 tables. There is a white line that sits horizontal on the page, this line should be below the tables with pics and text. I have no idea where that white line even came from?

    OK. The white line.

    It comes from this rule:

    #comments {
      background: url("images/bg-border.png") no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
      margin: 30px 0 0;
      padding: 40px 0 0;
      position: relative;

    You need to add a style rule to the end of the style sheet, preferably in a child theme that says something like:

    #comments {
      background: none no-repeat scroll center top transparent;

    I can’t test it because your useless-no-right-click javascript makes it too inconvenient on Firebug.

    I’ll look at the other stuff now.



    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    I failed to mention that i am a newbie with all this coding jargon.
    I would love to do what you just said if i knew what it meant.

    Can i not just remove that code and it will remove that line?

    Positioning of the comments.

    Your left hand table is floated left, so as far as the browser is concerned it is being told to put whatever it can of the content to the right of the table, which is what it’s doing. It can’t fit the comments box in there so it puts it in the normal flow as soon as the float is cleared.

    To push the whole of the comment down below the float you need to add a clear: left; property to the #comments div by adding a style rule as I described in my previous post:

    #comments {
      clear: left;

    So your complete, new #comments style rule should be:

    #comments {
      background: none no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
      clear: left;



    Nope. Just add the CSS I gave you:

    #comments {
      background: none no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
      clear: left;

    … to the bottom of style.css in your (child) theme’s directory.

    You can do this via Dashboard –> Appearance –> editor.

    Just click on the link to style.css and then paste the rule at the end of the stylesheet. And then save your work (of course).

    Then go back to your site and all should be well (I think). If not, just post again and I’ll take another look.

    If you remove the style rule it’ll (possibly) affect all sorts of things you don’t want it to affect.



    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    Pardon my ignorance but where do i paste this

    #comments {
      background: none no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
      clear: left;

    Into the file called style.css which resides in your theme’s folder and which you can access via Dashboard –> Appearance –> Editor. As I explained in my previous post.

    I appreciate you being nervous about this. It’s probably a good thing, but honestly it’s just copy the rule and paste it to the end of the file.

    It must be at the end of the file.



    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    OK, 1 of 2 things;

    1. I’m either pasting this in the wrong place(which is highly likely)lol
    2. Its not working.

    sigh; what to do?

    i went Appearance, editor, stylesheet, scrolled down to #comments tried 3 diff places; didnt work.

    went all the way to the bottom of stylesheet, pasted; didnt work.

    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    i re-read your replys and tried again

    Pasted at the very bottom of the stylesheet but im still looking at the same thing. No changes.

    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    UPDATE; I got it…ha ha ha ha ha
    Thank you

    Do i need to post again for another question?

    If not this is it;

    If you look on same page above pics. The cell(i think) that is lite grey,about a centimeter wide ; how do i make that thinner and move it up under my menu?


    It would be nice to post a new question. It helps when people are searching the list for answers.

    But I’ll take a look anyway (and answer in the new question if you post one)



    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    I posted a New question but its gone?

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