What dougal said…and others before him, and probably more down the road…
To further illustrate his first point, here’s March 2004 as a list:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,…31
Sure, you *could* represent it as a *complete* list, but the extra redundancy is nuts:
Monday March 1: 2004, Tuesday March 2: 2004, Wednesday March 3: 2004, Thursday March 4: 2004…etc.
Since this is, in fact, tabular data, we could instead put the year and month in the caption, have a single header row for the days of the week,…you know, just like a calendar. Doing a calendar as an exercise in CSS is great, but insisting it should be used for WP to be “tableless” just doesn’t hold water.
As for the “CSS Tableless” thing, as long as tables are used for data and not presentation, the badge of honor still stands.