• Table wp_export_page_to_html_logs missing on activation. However I see that wp_wp_export_page_to_html_logs DOES exist, and also table wp_wp_export_urls_logs, ie the table names include a double wp_ prefix.

    Debug log:

    database error Table ‘mywp.wp_export_page_to_html_logs’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT id FROM wp_export_page_to_html_logs made by activate_plugin, do_action(‘activate_export-wp-page-to-static-html/export-wp-page-to-static-html.php’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, activate_export_wp_page_to_static_html, Export_Wp_Page_To_Static_Html_Activator::activate

    Also the following warning:

    Invalid “memory_limit” setting. Invalid quantity “30240M”: value is out of range, using overflow result for backwards compatibility in \wp-content\plugins\export-wp-page-to-static-html\admin\class-export-wp-page-to-static-html-admin.php on line 27

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by nickwuk.
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