ah, ok. Now I see it. Thanks for the clarification. I had not reduced the screen width far enough.
The problem seems to be coming from your see, as far as I can see. The theme seems to bring its own functionality to make a table responsive (based on JavaScript). That JS (see
// Responsive tables
jQuery('article section table').each(function (i, table) {
table = jQuery(table);
var heads = table.find('thead th');
var cells = table.find('tbody td');
var heads_amount = heads.length;
// if there are the thead cells
if (heads_amount) {
var cells_len = cells.length;
for (var j = 0; j < cells_len; j++) {
var head_content = jQuery(heads.get(j % heads_amount)).text();
jQuery(cells.get(j)).html('<span class="gk-table-label">' + head_content + '</span>' + jQuery(cells.get(j)).html());
in the file “/wp-content/themes/MeetGavernWP/js/gk.scripts.js”).
As that script does not seem to be working on its own right now anyway, I suggest to remove that JS code. After that, only the TablePress Responsive Tables Extension’s code will be loaded, which will make the table look proper again.