• FYI, seeing this error in my error_log since installing the plugin:

    WordPress database error Table 'xxxxx.wp_wfLockedOut' doesn't exist for query SELECT IP FROM wp_wfLockedOut made by require_once('wp-admin/admin.php'), do_action('settings_page_cftm'), call_user_func_array, cftm_options_page, include('/plugins/cloudflare-threat-management/options.php'), _cftm
    WordPress database error Table 'xxxxx.wp_wfLocs' doesn't exist for query SELECT IP FROM wp_wfLocs made by require_once('wp-admin/admin.php'), do_action('settings_page_cftm'), call_user_func_array, cftm_options_page, include('/plugins/cloudflare-threat-management/options.php'), _cftm

    Which would be correct, because I am no using the wp_ prefix.


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  • Plugin Contributor The Plugin Factory


    Yes. I will update my code to grab the current prefix and not default to WP.

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