• I set this page up with tables for each candidate. Using the latest wordpress update and the inForward Child Theme. The contents of the table columns looks fine in the back end when I edit the page using block editor. When published the pictures and/or text don’t align to the top. They’re all over the place. In some places the picture is at the top of the cell with a bunch of white space below, and the text in the next column is at the bottom of the cell and has a lot of white space above it. I was able to find code to add to the <td> tags to align the columns to the top, but when I do that the block editor either A – says there is invalid code and removes the code or B – Changes the block to HTMl and there’s no way to switch it back to a block to edit the text or change the pictures visually. I can’t be the only person having this problem but I couldn’t find the right search terms to find the person with the solution. Anyone have any idea?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Have you check the issue with the WordPress default theme?

    I can see you are using a premium theme https://www.gloucestervagop.com/wp-content/themes/inforward/style.css

    It would good, if you contact the theme author and asking for their assistance.

    Moderator bcworkz


    To top align all table cells throughout your site, add this to the Additional CSS customizer section:

    td {
        vertical-align: top;

    Some content still will not top align because the cell contents begin with a <br> tag while others do not. You need to edit the content to be consistent in every case.

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