• I just upgraded to WP3.6 and I’ve noticed some odd behaviour with tables. Clicking between cells seems to be a bit buggy – the selection follows your mouse as if you were dragging. It appears that you need to hover over the cell with your mouse in order to enter content.

    This makes adding images into aa table cell difficult. You need to add the image to the page and then (carefully) cut and paste the image into the cell. The text cursor disappears from the cell once your mouse leaves.

    I’ve noted this behaviour on both Firefox and Chrome (latest versions of both). The mystery selection thing happens more often than not (but not always) in Firefox. In general, though cells can be somewhat more difficult to select.

    This was flawless before WP3.6

    I’ve uploaded a quick vid here to illustrate in case my description is unclear:


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  • Plugin Author Andrew Ozz


    That looks bad… Any chance your keyboard has a “sticky” Shift key? When this happens, try “tapping” on both Shift keys few times and see if it makes any difference.

    If no change, could you look in the browser console in Chrome for any JS errors. Open the console, reload the page, then repeat the same test.


    Thread Starter ccarey75


    No change unfortunately and no javascript errors either – or none that fall through to the console anyway. I tried this on my colleague’s PC with the same result. Also tried it in IE (8,9,10) with the same result just in case it was browser specific.

    While I was hunting around I found this too: the link button doesn’t want to appear unless you click in the “path” toolbar first. That seems to “wake it up” so to speak.


    For reference here is a vid of the same tests using WP 3.5.1 with plugin version 3.5.8 (both wordpress instances are running the same plugin version).


    Thread Starter ccarey75


    I just read this in relation to the link issue:

    I retested and it turns out the issue with the tables is caused by the same thing (conflict with NextGen Gallery). If that plugin is disabled then everything works as it should.

    Plugin Author Andrew Ozz


    Thanks for letting me know ??

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