• oltdev


    When using the tabbed-widgets plugin, it is easy to notice that if a title of a tab, or of a whole tabbed widget, contains apostrophes (‘) or slashes(\) or any similar special character, when updating the options, each of those characters gains another backslash(escape character) when saved to the database.

    E.g.: If I save a TW (tabbed widget) with the name “what’s going on” after updating the options it appears as “what\’s going on” and if I update again, it appears as “what\\\’s going on”.


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  • t31os


    The plugin doesn’t allow those characters, i’ve just installed it and saving a title with those characters removes them…

    This part in tabbed-widgets.php…

    $find_fn_pattern = '/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/';
    preg_match_all($find_fn_pattern, $widget_title, $result);
    $got_title = strip_tags(trim((string)$result[1][0]));

    How you managed to save those characters successfully in a title i don’t know since the plugin is correctly removing those characters when i attempt to use them in a title…



    I spoke to soon, i can replicate the problem after all…

    You’ll need to re-write part of the plugin to make it work with slashes, something best corrected by the author, if he wishes to have that functionality.

    Thread Starter oltdev


    First, thanks for the reply!

    Second, well, I simply used the HTML entity code for an apostrophe & #39; to save those characters and it worked fairly well… However, if I need to update the options I can’t allow the saved apostrophe in any field, I have to replace all apostrophes with the & #39; character, and at one point I had up to 10 different apostrophes; it’s brutal!

    Cosmin – OLT UBC

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