I was going to make a donation for this widget when I started implementing it to v2.7 and when the site launches. But didn’t have a change to use it just yet as like many of you, I upgraded the site to v2.8 when it was still under development and the widget no longer works.
This is a great widget, and obviously many of you who are waiting for the new release love to continue using it. Therefor, I would like to make a proposal that why don’t we each make a contribute to kasparsd, so that he can have the luxury to spare a bit of time to make this widget compatible with v2.8 sooner. I would have gone ahead sending a donation to kasparsd, but I don’t think my own effort help much to speed up the development–being a web designer myself, I know how much time it can take for a programming work like this, therefor I think it will be greatly helpful if all of you waiting for the widget can help pool up a fund.
I was going to donate US$25 initially, but I am going to top it to US$40. Please join me everyone. And to kasparsd, if you see this message, can you tell us if this is workable for you to make the widget works in v2.8 sooner?