• Resolved richimages


    I have been using the RPB Chessboard plugin for quite a while now. Today, I decided to install the Tab Responsive plugin.

    So, when one opts to use RPB Chessboard with the java POPUP display settings, and then simply ACTIVATES the Tabs Responsive plugin, (whether it was used in the article or not, simply being active is enough to cause this side effect) – then the CLOSE button of the popup window (the “X”) immediately follows the Window’s Title. Very non-standard. Normally the X to close the window is at the upper right corner of the display. Now, (and especially since the chessboard window title is simply the current move, being a very short left-justified title) the X is pretty much always on the left, again, immediately following the title.

    Is there any way to fix this nasty bug ?

    RPB Chessboard is simply a Java Script plugin that calls on js libs for its’ popup board … not sure what is messing up the right justification of the X that is in it’s own little (very small) box that is normally placed in the upper-right corner of the popup ..




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  • Plugin Author wpshopmart


    Hello Richard,

    May be possible that tabs responsive script is conflict with RPB Chessboard plugin or may be that it’s css conflict.

    Can you share me that page url where you have got this issue?


    Thread Starter richimages


    So … I stood a test site up this morning with the exact same plugins – exhibits the same problems … so we can use this site:


    ( specific example article: https://www.richimages.net/testbed/?p=10 )

    there’s only a few articles posted there … it doesn’t matter if you view an article that uses Tabs Responsive or not … the popup chessboard (just click on a move, they’re links to show the movement of the chess pieces) and you’ll see what I’m talking about with the placement of the close button (“X”) not being in the upper right hand corner.

    Again, If you text me and I’m available, then I can demonstrate that DEACTIVATING just the Tabs Responsive plugin … and the close button displays back in the correct upper-right-hand corner.

    Thread Starter richimages


    BTW … if this gets fixed … then there’s one heck of a write up coming as in the way of a feedback rating for your plugin ??

    thanks again

    Thread Starter richimages


    (Link is wrong in earlier post … reposting with corrected link … thanks)

    So … I stood a test site up this morning with the exact same plugins – exhibits the same problems … so we can use this site:


    ( specific example article: https://www.richimages.net/testbed/?p=16 )

    there’s only a few articles posted there … it doesn’t matter if you view an article that uses Tabs Responsive or not … the popup chessboard (just click on a move, they’re links to show the movement of the chess pieces) and you’ll see what I’m talking about with the placement of the close button (“X”) not being in the upper right hand corner.

    Again, If you text me and I’m available, then I can demonstrate that DEACTIVATING just the Tabs Responsive plugin … and the close button displays back in the correct upper-right-hand corner.

    Plugin Author wpshopmart


    Hello Richard,

    Can you share some screenshot to explain that what happen before plugin activate and then after plugin activate.


    Thread Starter richimages


    The above link is when Tabs Responsive is Active.


    The above link is after Tabs Responsive has been DEACTIVATED. Same article from same site.

    Note the X for closing the popup chessboard – which was opened after tapping the move-link 6.e5 from the article. The X for closing should be in the upper right corner – as is the case when Tabs Responsive is not active.

    Thread Starter richimages



    This article has pictures and instructions to see the problem for yourself.

    It looks like a compatibility issue between 2 JavaScript libs: Bootstrap (brought by Tabs Responsive) and JQuery UI (brought by WordPress and used by RPB Chessboard).

    More precisely, there is a naming conflict as both JS libraries defines $.fn.button. See:

    My opinion is that Bootstrap should be loaded “no conflict” mode enabled, i.e. jQuery.fn.button.noConflict() should be called after loading Bootstrap.

    Thread Starter richimages


    Thanks for going out of your way to offer a very reasonable option Yo35 (Developer of RPB Chessboard) !!!

    I’ll see if this is something I can do if there’s no update from the developer of Tabs Responsive … But first, I’ll wait for a for response from Tabs Responsive developer.

    Thanks Again,

    Plugin Author wpshopmart


    Hello Richard,

    Can you tell me that in which browser or in which mobile device you have got this issue.


    Thread Starter richimages


    Hi Wpshopmart,

    Did you go to my site and see the issue for yourself ? Read the top most post … You’ll see the issue for yourself. Yo35 has identified the problem already with his comment above.

    It will occur in any browser as there are two functions for the button defined – one for bootstrap, and one for JQuery UI.

    I thought his proposal was good – call the noConflict version of the button function.



    Plugin Author wpshopmart


    Hello Richard,

    I have found one solution but first can you please deactivate tab responsive, i will need to check exact css on close button.

    Thread Starter richimages


    sorry for the delay … driving into work.

    Tab Responsive is now deactivated on my site …

    Let me know if you need me to do anything else for your troubleshooting …

    Plugin Author wpshopmart


    Hello Richard,

    Actually there a file name is bootstrap.js in tabs responsive plugin is conflict with close icon.

    Can you please provide me your gmail id, i want to share you a file , you will need to just replace it with existing file in tab responsive.


    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    @wpshopmart, Please don’t ask people to post their emails here. If you want to use email, you ought to provide that as you are the plugin author.

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