Syntax Errors when worpress loads scripts
I upgraded an older site to 2.9.1, and now I’m getting some javascript errors while on the Admin pages. It’s breaking a bunch of other things, like TinyMCE and the slide-down functionality of the admin menu. It seems to be breaking jQuery completely, too, because on some admin pages I get a “jQuery is not defined” error when another script calls for it. jQuery works fine on the non-admin pages.
Any clues how to resolve this?
? I’ve tried re-uploading all of the js files from w/in wp-includes and clearing cache.
??Tried with plugins off
? Also tried turning of magic quotes in PHP.ini (I have no idea what that’s supposed to do, but it worked for someone with a similar problem, so I gave it a shot!)Syntax error
...[Break on this error] ].handle.elem)}}});(function(){o.suppo...nk/><table></table><a href="/a" style=...
It’s pulled from load-scripts.php, and the lin that it references is in the “Sizzle CSS Selector Engine” part of the jQuery 1.3.2 script.Also:
missing } after property list
...[Break on this error] ).hasClass("screen-options-open")){d("...).css({backgroundImage:''url("images/s...
This one’s also coming from load-scripts.php, and looks like it has something to do with the Admin Menu
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