• Alexion Software



    I love the new feature: How to Resolve Configuration Errors.

    The problem is that I use the Addition Header “Reply-To:”. It works fine BUT in WordPress I get the message “This contact form has a configuration error” and below the Additional Header field “This field has syntax errors.”.

    I use the “Reply-To:” as follows: Relpy-To:[email]

    and if I look into the documentation that should be right. [email] is a valid email field used in the form.

    I have a schreenshot of this.

    Does anybody now what is wrong (with me ;-)?


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  • atorres-1


    To solve the syntax problems you have to:

    1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:

    [text* Name placeholder “Your name”]

    [email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]

    [text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]

    [textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]

    [submit “Send”]

    2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:

    – To: the email where you want to received the messages.

    – From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.

    – Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]

    – Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:

    From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
    Subject: [Subject]

    Message Body:

    AlexionSoftware: You have a typo …



    I am getting that error using the multiple form add-on. Is that because the [your-email] tag is on the first page and the error is on the last page? Or is it something else that I am missing?

    Thanks for the help,

    Just Type in Additional Headers section:


    You can check the below screenshot:

    I was getting this too and I think I know what your problem was.

    Contact Form 7 throws this error if email is OPTIONAL, as it was with my form. If you make email REQUIRED the error goes away.

    Not the best error reporting setup but there it is.

    I had been looking ALL over google search and youtube for an answer for about 3 hours…then I found this thread. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!

    (@elias1435) Your FIX WORKED Flawlessly! I added the corrected Tag you suggested
    Reply-To:[email] and the Syntax Error went away. Thank Again. Building My Logo design Website Questionnaire with upload file/images capability…this was a big issue. Now I cannot get files to upload, and DON’T know where they would upload to..as a Client registers and fills out the questionnaire after selecting and paying for a Logo Design/Membership (Paid Memberships Pro) Any help or solutions email me: [email protected]. Thanks all

    Blessings-Don ??



    @scrybbler thanks!

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