• Resolved Nate1



    We are getting a bunch of errors with syncing, and about 10% of the contacts are not referenced in Hubspot.

    I've had a look at the properties, and customer group appears to have the values listed.
    But it refuses to work?
    How do we solve these errors? And is it likely that this is related to the contacts not being listed in Hubspot.

    One error coming through is as per below:

    a:3:{s:11:"status_code";i:400;s:8:"response";s:11:"Bad Request";s:4:"body";O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:6:"status";s:5:"error";s:7:"message";s:36:"Errors found processing batch update";s:13:"correlationId";s:36:"55312748-7563-4596-9d10-79769066da02";s:15:"failureMessages";a:1:{i:0;O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:5:"index";i:0;s:24:"propertyValidationResult";O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:7:"isValid";b:0;s:7:"message";s:483:"customer was not one of the allowed options: [label: "General"
    value: "General"
    display_order: 0
    double_data: 0.0
    hidden: false
    read_only: false
    , label: "Wholesale"
    value: "Wholesale"
    display_order: 1
    double_data: 0.0
    hidden: falseread_only: false
    , label: "Guest"
    value: "Guest"
    display_order: 2
    double_data: 0.0
    hidden: false
    description: ""
    read_only: false
    , label: "Customer"
    value: "Customer"
    display_order: 3
    double_data: 0.0
    hidden: false
    description: ""
    read_only: false
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  • Plugin Author MakeWebBetter



    We have reviewed the error that you shared and it seems the property values for customer_group property are not synchronized between the site and HubSpot, The value names are different which is creating a conflict between syncing the contact.

    Please check the values or you can connect with our support team at [email protected]. If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Nate1



    I’ve resolved those syncing issues – not sure where some of the data has come from, but been able to tidy it up.

    The syncing between the site and hubspot has still been unreliable. 2/3 sites sync’d with actioning the Sync Deals option against orders. However one site refused to, around 50% of the orders wouldn’t sync, with no clear logical pattern as to why, and when.

    Upon investigation, the Orders had database flags for
    “hubwoo_ecomm_deal_created” = Yes
    But no deal Id, I checked Huspot and those deals/orders did not exist.
    Removing the database flag “hubwoo_ecomm_deal_created”, and re-syncing fixed that issue.

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