Syncing issues
We are getting a bunch of errors with syncing, and about 10% of the contacts are not referenced in Hubspot.
I've had a look at the properties, and customer group appears to have the values listed.
But it refuses to work?
How do we solve these errors? And is it likely that this is related to the contacts not being listed in Hubspot.
One error coming through is as per below:
a:3:{s:11:"status_code";i:400;s:8:"response";s:11:"Bad Request";s:4:"body";O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:6:"status";s:5:"error";s:7:"message";s:36:"Errors found processing batch update";s:13:"correlationId";s:36:"55312748-7563-4596-9d10-79769066da02";s:15:"failureMessages";a:1:{i:0;O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:5:"index";i:0;s:24:"propertyValidationResult";O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:7:"isValid";b:0;s:7:"message";s:483:"customer was not one of the allowed options: [label: "General"
value: "General"
display_order: 0
double_data: 0.0
hidden: false
read_only: false
, label: "Wholesale"
value: "Wholesale"
display_order: 1
double_data: 0.0
hidden: falseread_only: false
, label: "Guest"
value: "Guest"
display_order: 2
double_data: 0.0
hidden: false
description: ""
read_only: false
, label: "Customer"
value: "Customer"
display_order: 3
double_data: 0.0
hidden: false
description: ""
read_only: false
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