Hi @mauromello and @ghascabra,
Hmm, interesting! I admit that working with this type of fields with WordPress is exactly what I made the SyncFields plugin for. So, a nice challenge ??
I have not worked much with BuddyPress so far. Is any of you familiar with the database structure of XProfile Fields? A pity BuddyPress doesn’t use the user meta fields. But okay, I suppose I cannot change their processes here ??
It seems there is a table wp_bp_xprofile_fields, as well as a table wp_bp_xprofile_data.
What is the relationship between them? Which table should SyncFields query?
If anyone already figured it all out and wants to contribute code to SyncFields, kindly contact me and I’ll test and include it.
If not, I will get into gear and see if I can get this to work.