Sorry to hear you’re having issues with the plugin, we definitely want to try to help out. Just to get a handle on the situation you’re experiencing, could you provide a few more pieces of information to help us understand the issue?
– What plugin version are you using?
– What version of PHP are you using?
– Are there any log errors in the plugin’s logs tab for the most recent day (when it’s set to standard or debug)?
– If you’re using the current version of the plugin, it utilizes a queue powered by Action Scheduler. It depends on WP_CRON to be activated with your hosting provider. Can you confirm it’s enabled?
– If you’re using a host that makes use of CPU throttling, can you check to see if you’ve hit your limit after initiating the sync?
– Do you have any caching plugins or services running?
– If you’ve uninstalled/reinstalled, can you verify that the store had first been removed from the Connected site’s area in Mailchimp before reinstalling?
– If you have a large number of plugins being used, you may need to bump up your memory limit on your server (1GB for example) to accommodate the initial sync.
Thanks in advance for these details. I’ll keep an eye out for your reply.