unfortunately no … well actually let me take that back, just no, because its not actually unfortunate as Google and Disqus do a great job at kicking out spam so its a non issue that akismet dont scan those comments … infact I’d say anecdotally that it does a better job and have heard that publicly first hand from many other users too ….
now as far as syncing no the dont for 2 reasons ( actually 2.5 ) … one there is no need to sync them anymore to get them indexed as part of your content, JS and Iframe’s are indexed and have been for quite some time now but old habits die hard on the internet and missinformation even harder ?? and then #2 being that there is no API for G+ to export the comments in a pragmatic way ( you can use google takeout manually but thats far from ideal and only one way ) and that brings us to the .5 , even if there was an api like facebook or disqus the sync is one way so there would be no moderation being done or you would just loose it on next sync … so the only way i see to come close to what your really wanting … a 10000ft view of the comments that is easy to manage …. now thats doable with some trickery and such to make a mashup in the admin just for moderation of any systems that are enabled … thats already in the works and will improve over time too once i push it out and start to get feedback etc etc
probably not what you wanted to hear but not all bad either IMHO ??