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  • Plugin Author


    please check are there any conflicts in your website source (like jQuery conflicts).
    Check also that you have not included older owlCarousel library.

    I have the same problem with WP Posts Carousel plugin v.1.2.3 on my Sydney theme v.1.20.
    By the way, sydney theme has some styles for .owl-* objects in it’s style.css file, but I’ve commented all of it. Carousel still not working. The problem definitely not in there.

    Then I’ve checked the front-end side of my website:
    – Plugin’s owl.carousel.css and carousel’s template stylesheets and owl.carousel.js scrypt are loaded, html <script> with load() function of carousel’s parameter’s has its place just after carousel itself. I think just like it should be
    – jquery.js v.1.11.3 and jquery.mousewheel.min.js v.3.1.12 libraries are loaded correctly as well
    – html of carousel has a structure, containes all posts information that is expected (e.g. there are 2 “owl-item” divs with title,description etc.). But it is hidden!

    So, what I’ve found is that #wp-post-carousel div does not have the “owl-loaded” class. Adding this class makes “wp-posts-carousel-slide” elements visible with all containing posts and meta data as well.
    It makes me think that for some reason when loading of this carousel is finished, some usefull event doesn’t trigger or makes it incorrectly.

    I hope, this information could be usefull fo catching the problem

    My test page with WP posts Carousel is here:

    Plugin Author


    @evsandlg, check if disabling “auto height” option in the carousel will help?

    Solved. The problem actually was in conflict with Sydney’s /sydney/js/scripts.js file, as author said.
    The point is that sydney theme containes some OWL-related code in the file above. It is made so for maintaining Sydney’s pre-defined widgets like Sydney Testimonials Widget or Sydney Team Widget. Thus, /sydney/js/scripts.js once loaded, it overrides native OwlCarousel functions of owl.carousel.js

    I’ve just commented all owl-containing lines in sydney’s script.js file. But it ruines maintainance of described widgets and I still don’t know how get both: WP Posts Carousel and Sydney’s carousel-based widgets

    Plugin Author


    the easiest way would be to modify the widgets that uses the old library to works with the new version.
    If you need help, you can hire me to do this.

    Ok. I’ll keep this in mind)
    Thank’s for your plugin!

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