Enclosed screenshot from my mobliphone in mail to you last week.
Cant see how to attach them here.
But if not – so if you open my website on the cell phone this happens
The slideshow is in the middle and not as on my hompage _up and close to the menue. In addition _ at my homepage the following “Latest news” site is right under the slideshow and not in the cell phone.
Another problem is that my menue is not as usually with three stribes _wich is better on the cell phone. I don’t know where to change that.
My question is here how to make it look like my homepage ?
Heading_and Texts on other sides
The upper heading text shows just partly. The text is not responsive from my homepage _ It looks to big. Like is the text under also to big and is not in to columns_ but in one. That is actually the same problem for all texts.
Do you know why its not in to columns, and how to fix this in addition reduce the text font only to cell phone ?
Regards Peter