• I am switching web hosts. How do I import the MySQL db’s from the old web host to the new web host? I do not want my blog to go offline during the transfer process. I’ve already used the WordPress backup feature to backup all my databases. But, here’s the problem: I have very little knowledge of MySQL. I know how to create a db, how to add a user, and how to use the “Check & Repair” function. That’s it.

    I have no idea how to import the db’s that I’ve just backed up.

    How do I use Cpanel to import the db’s? What’s the general process for switching webhosts using WP?

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  • You may want to take a look at this tutorial:
    (usually phpMyadmin is needed – most cPanels have it)

    Thread Starter capitalist


    Thanks Moshu. According to the codex…

    “If you are changing to a new server but same domain [yes, that’s me], all you need to do is edit wp-config.php and upload everything as it is to your new server.”

    How is this possible? Why wouldn’t I need to import the db’s if I’m switching web hosts?

    Really confused now.

    Try the tutorial here: https://tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/move/

    Read more carefully. The very first sentence goes:
    f you are moving WordPress from one server to another, begin by backing up your data. This includes backing up your WordPress database as well as all the core files, images, plugins, and other files on your site. See WordPress Backups and Backing Up Your Database for more details.

    The Note means: no other editing is needed (as opposed to cases when you have to mess with the DB ??

    Thread Starter capitalist


    Vikaryl- That tutorial looks great, thanks.

    Moshu- Thank you. I’ve backed up everything, so I’ll give this a shot, and post in the forum if anything goes screwy.

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