I’m sorry to say that I’ve never heard of this particular theme before. We’re a relatively small plugin (compared to something like WooCommerce) so most themes don’t declare official support for LifterLMS. I’m always working with theme devs to get them to add support but unfortunately the burden usually falls back on you the user. I’d recommend you reach out to the developers and ask them and if they don’t have support for LifterLMS you can ask them to get in touch with us and we can all work together to get theme support added.
However, we built LifterLMS Labs: Super Sidebars (https://lifterlms.com/docs/super-sidebars-lab/) as a free and easy way for anyone to get LifterLMS sidebars working on just about any theme (I haven’t found many themes that this doesn’t work for) so I’d recommend trying that if you don’t want to contact the developers.
Let me know if that helps,