• Hi all,

    I’m trying to commit a new beta version of Yet Another Related Posts Plugin to svn.wp-plugins.org . I already committed all the changes to trunk and indeed the changes are reflected in the “development version”. However, after

    svn cp trunk tags/3.0b7
    svn ci -m 'tagging 3.0b7'

    I get the error:

    Transmitting file data ..........................svn: Commit failed (details follow):
    svn: 'pre-commit' hook failed with error output:
    yet-another-related-posts-plugin/tags/3.0b7/ contains non utf8 characters

    Does anyone know what this error is? How can I fix it? I’ve tried from a different machine, adding the files one by one… no dice. And it all worked fine in trunk! :'(

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  • but the 15′ refreshing of tags (versioning) download folder (Other versions) in Plugins Directory seem to sleep since one hour !

    It’s been 2 hours since my first SVN update this morning. Nothing have been refreshed in the directory yet. Anyone else seeing the same?

    Yes. It’s been about an hour since I added a change to the repository and it’s not visible on the site yet.

    I’m guessing whatever was broken earlier is still being worked on.

    Thanks for the confirmation dartiss. I started to think I screwed something up, so I deleted and re-committed the latest update just to be sure. Somehow my latest update got partially uploaded yesterday when the issue already existed – now everyone is downloading incomplete update which results in a big screw up… not good.

    Thanks! It’s working for me too! ??

    My changes from yesterday have still not appeared to I’m committing them again…

    No joy. I’ve sent an email to WordPress to ensure that they’re aware of this issue as Barry hasn’t reposted since the original UTF8 problem.

    I think I have fixed the problem. It will take several hours for the plugins directory to get back in sync with the subversion repository. I’ll check back on it tomorrow to see how it’s doing.

    Sorry for the bug.

    mdawaffe, thanks. Looks like it’s fixed. Finally, SyntaxHighlighter2 2.0.5 is available for download.

    Working for me also. Had the two troubles (With utf8 and downloads) and all is working fine now. Finally SidePosts is available for download ??

    Thanks guys for solving this!


    I works fine for me too now. Thanks !!

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