• Resolved mrlagmer



    Love the plugin thanks for the work. I have a svg that I try and upload but after the upload it is blank and I am not sure why? Does the svg have code that is bad in it or is something important being stripped from it?

    <svg width="60" height="49" viewBox="0 0 60 49" version="1.1" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:figma="https://www.figma.com/figma/ns">
    <title>Icon copy</title>
    <desc>Created using Figma</desc>
    <g id="Canvas" transform="translate(-3904 3533)" figma:type="canvas">
    <g id="Icon copy" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" figma:type="frame">
    <g id="xE002  copy" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" figma:type="frame">
    <g id="Group" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" figma:type="frame">
    <g id="Vector" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" figma:type="vector">
    <use xlink:href="#path0_fill" transform="translate(3904.5 -3532.66)" fill="#191B1D" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;"/>
    <path id="path0_fill" d="M 0.700012 36.9C 0.300012 36.5 0 35.9 0 35.3L 0 2.30001C 0 1.70001 0.200012 1.10001 0.700012 0.700006C 1.10001 0.300006 1.69999 -6.10352e-06 2.29999 -6.10352e-06L 56.3 -6.10352e-06C 56.9 -6.10352e-06 57.5 0.200006 57.9 0.700006C 58.3 1.10001 58.6 1.70001 58.6 2.30001L 58.6 35.3C 58.6 35.9 58.4 36.5 57.9 36.9C 57.5 37.3 56.9 37.6 56.3 37.6L 30 37.6L 30 39.8C 30 40.3 29.8 40.6 29.2 40.6C 28.7 40.6 28.4 40.4 28.4 39.8L 28.4 37.6L 2.20001 37.6C 1.60001 37.6 1.10001 37.4 0.700012 36.9ZM 1.5 35.3C 1.5 35.8 1.69999 36.1 2.29999 36.1L 56.3 36.1C 56.8 36.1 57.1 35.9 57.1 35.3L 57.1 2.30001C 57.1 1.80001 56.9 1.49999 56.3 1.49999L 2.29999 1.49999C 1.79999 1.49999 1.5 1.80001 1.5 2.30001L 1.5 35.3ZM 4.5 32.3L 4.5 5.30001C 4.5 4.80001 4.69999 4.49999 5.29999 4.49999L 53.3 4.49999C 53.8 4.49999 54.1 4.80001 54.1 5.30001L 54.1 32.3C 54.1 32.8 53.9 33.1 53.3 33.1L 5.29999 33.1C 4.69999 33.1 4.5 32.9 4.5 32.3ZM 6 31.6L 52.5 31.6L 52.5 6.1L 6 6.1L 6 31.6ZM 37.5 42.1C 38.3 42.1 39 42.4 39.6 43C 40.2 43.6 40.5 44.3 40.5 45.2L 40.5 47.4C 40.5 47.9 40.3 48.2 39.7 48.2L 18.7 48.2C 18.2 48.2 17.9 47.9 17.9 47.4L 17.9 45.1C 17.9 44.2 18.2 43.5 18.7 42.9C 19.2 42.3 20 42.1 20.9 42.1L 37.5 42.1ZM 38.6 44.1C 38.3 43.8 38 43.6 37.5 43.6L 21 43.6C 20 43.6 19.5 44.1 19.5 45.1L 19.5 46.6L 39 46.6L 39 45.2C 39 44.8 38.9 44.4 38.6 44.1Z"/>

    Any help to find why your plugin is killing this type of svg would be great. Thanks.

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Daryll Doyle


    Hi mrlagmer,

    Thanks for reporting the issue with your SVG. I’ve taken a look and the reason it’s showing as blank is that the <use> element is being stripped from the sanitised file and therefore it’s not loading your path.

    If you can leave this with me for a day or two I’ll look into the issue and see what, if anything, can be done to fix it.


    Anonymous User



    Thanks for this amazing plugin! Great update showing the images in the media library!

    I run all my SVG’s through this great webapp first:


    It is all working apart from this lovely Linux penguin is getting destroyed in the Safe SVG upload process:

    <svg xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 256 295" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid">
        <filter id="a" width="200%" height="200%" x="-50%" y="-50%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">
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          <stop stop-color="#FFF" stop-opacity=".8" offset="0%"/>
          <stop stop-color="#FFF" stop-opacity="0" offset="100%"/>
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      <g fill="none">
        <path fill="#000" fill-opacity=".2" d="M235.125 249.36c0 17.354-52.617 31.496-117.54 31.496S.045 266.806.045 249.36c0-17.357 52.617-31.5 117.54-31.5s117.45 14.143 117.54 31.5z" filter="url(#a)" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="#000" d="M63.213 215.474c-11.387-16.346-13.59-69.606 12.947-102.39C89.292 97.383 92.69 86.455 93.7 71.67c.734-16.805-11.846-66.85 35.537-70.616C177.264-2.803 174.6 44.58 174.325 69.65c-.183 21.12 15.52 33.15 26.355 49.68 19.927 30.303 18.274 82.46-3.765 110.745-27.916 35.354-51.79 20.018-67.678 21.304-29.752 1.744-30.762 17.538-66.024-35.906z"/>
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        <path fill="url(#e)" d="M117.125 55.6c.184 9.458 6.337 16.988 13.683 16.805 7.346-.184 13.13-7.99 12.948-17.54-.184-9.458-6.336-16.988-13.683-16.804-7.346.184-13.223 8.082-12.948 17.54z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="#000" d="M133.186 57.712c-.092 5.234 2.48 9.458 5.877 9.458 3.306 0 6.153-4.224 6.245-9.366.09-5.234-2.48-9.46-5.878-9.46-3.397 0-6.152 4.226-6.244 9.368zM111.974 57.804c.46 4.316-1.194 7.99-3.582 8.356-2.387.276-4.683-2.938-5.142-7.254-.46-4.316 1.194-7.99 3.58-8.357 2.39-.276 4.685 2.938 5.144 7.254z"/>
        <path fill="url(#f)" d="M124.564 54.773c-.276 2.94 1.102 5.326 3.03 5.51 1.928.184 3.765-2.112 4.04-4.96.276-2.937-1.102-5.325-3.03-5.508-1.928-.184-3.765 2.112-4.04 4.958z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#g)" d="M99.953 55.508c.276 2.388-.734 4.5-2.203 4.683-1.47.185-2.847-1.652-3.123-4.13-.275-2.39.735-4.5 2.204-4.684 1.47-.184 2.848 1.744 3.123 4.132z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#h)" d="M71.027 145.684C77.547 130.9 91.413 104.912 91.69 84.8c0-15.977 47.842-19.834 51.698-3.855 3.857 15.978 13.59 39.853 19.835 51.424 6.245 11.477 24.335 48.117 5.05 80.073-17.355 28.284-69.972 50.69-98.072-3.856-9.55-18.917-7.805-42.333.827-62.903z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#i)" d="M65.15 134.664c-5.6 10.56-17.172 38.293 11.112 53.445 30.395 16.16 30.303 49.31-6.245 33.516-33.425-14.233-18.64-71.902-9.274-85.676 6.06-9.642 15.243-21.488 4.407-1.286z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="#000" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.25" d="M79.925 122.727c-8.907 14.51-30.21 48.67-1.652 66.484 38.384 23.6 27.548 47.11-7.53 25.896-49.404-29.568-5.97-89.257 13.774-112.03 22.59-25.53 4.316 4.683-4.592 19.65z"/>
        <path fill="url(#j)" d="M156.428 151.285c0 16.162-15.52 37.1-42.15 36.916-27.456.184-39.118-20.753-39.118-36.915 0-16.16 18.182-29.293 40.588-29.293 22.498.092 40.68 13.132 40.68 29.293z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#k)" d="M141.92 100.504c-.276 16.713-11.204 20.662-24.978 20.662-13.775 0-23.784-2.48-24.978-20.662 0-11.387 11.203-17.998 24.978-17.998 13.774-.092 24.977 6.52 24.977 17.998z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#l)" d="M58.63 126.216c9-13.682 28.008-34.71 3.582 2.94-19.835 31.037-7.346 50.964-.918 56.473 18.55 16.53 17.814 27.64 3.214 18.916-31.314-18.64-24.794-50.047-5.878-78.33z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#m)" d="M188.936 131.818c-7.806-16.07-32.6-56.842 1.193-9.46 30.762 42.885 9.182 72.73 5.325 75.668-3.856 2.94-16.804 8.908-13.04-1.47 3.858-10.376 22.958-30.027 6.52-64.738z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#n)" stroke="#E68C3F" stroke-width="6.25" d="M51.835 258.542c-20.57-10.928-50.414 2.112-39.578-27.457 2.204-6.704-3.214-16.805.275-23.325 4.133-7.99 13.04-6.244 18.366-11.57 5.234-5.51 8.54-15.06 18.366-13.59 9.734 1.468 16.254 13.406 23.05 28.1 5.05 10.467 22.864 25.252 21.67 37.006-1.47 17.998-21.947 21.396-42.15 10.836z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#o)" d="M201.608 189.12c-3.122 5.876-16.162 15.334-24.886 12.855-8.815-2.388-12.856-15.795-11.11-25.988 1.652-11.386 11.11-12.03 23.048-6.336 12.856 6.337 16.713 11.663 12.948 19.47z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#p)" stroke="#E68C3F" stroke-width="6.251" d="M194.445 253.49c15.06-18.273 48.578-14.508 25.988-39.577-4.775-5.418-3.306-16.99-9.183-21.947-6.887-6.06-14.51-1.102-21.488-4.224-6.98-3.398-14.325-9.918-22.865-5.327-8.54 4.684-9.46 16.805-10.285 32.783-.735 11.48-11.203 30.67-5.602 41.23 8.08 16.347 29.11 14.143 43.435-2.937z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#q)" d="M187.925 229.064c23.325-34.435 5.97-34.16.092-36.823-5.877-2.754-12.03-8.172-18.916-4.407-6.887 3.857-7.254 13.775-7.438 26.814-.275 9.367-8.08 25.07-3.397 33.793 5.693 10.193 19.467-4.59 29.66-19.376z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#r)" d="M47.06 234.023c-34.895-22.59-18.55-30.303-13.315-33.885 6.336-4.59 6.428-13.407 14.233-12.58 7.806.826 12.397 10.468 17.63 22.406 3.858 8.54 17.265 19.927 16.255 29.753-1.285 11.57-19.743 3.948-34.803-5.694z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="#000" d="M209.588 188.843c-2.755 4.776-13.958 12.306-21.396 10.285-7.622-1.928-11.112-12.672-9.55-20.753 1.377-9.183 9.55-9.642 19.834-5.05 10.928 4.958 14.326 9.182 11.112 15.518z"/>
        <path fill="url(#s)" d="M192.058 186.18c-1.745 3.306-9.09 8.54-14.234 7.163-5.142-1.377-7.713-8.815-6.887-14.417.735-6.336 6.244-6.704 13.223-3.58 7.53 3.488 9.918 6.427 7.898 10.834z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path fill="url(#t)" stroke="#E68C3F" stroke-width="3.75" d="M97.107 66.344c3.673-3.398 12.58-13.774 29.477-2.94 3.122 2.022 5.693 2.205 11.662 4.776 12.03 4.96 6.336 16.897-6.52 20.937-5.51 1.745-10.468 8.45-20.386 7.806-8.54-.46-10.744-6.06-15.978-9.09-9.275-5.235-10.652-12.306-5.602-16.07 5.05-3.766 6.98-5.144 7.347-5.42z" transform="translate(10)"/>
        <path stroke="#E68C3F" stroke-width="2.5" d="M148.43 75.986c-5.05.275-15.98 11.203-27.457 11.203-11.48 0-18.366-10.653-20.11-10.653"/>
        <path fill="url(#u)" d="M102.8 65.426c1.837-1.653 7.622-6.153 15.244-1.562 1.653.92 3.306 1.93 5.693 3.306 4.867 2.847 2.48 6.98-3.398 9.55-2.664 1.102-7.07 3.49-10.377 3.306-3.673-.367-6.153-2.755-8.54-4.316-4.5-2.938-4.224-5.418-2.112-7.346 1.562-1.47 3.306-2.847 3.49-2.938z" transform="translate(10)"/>
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Anonymous User.
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Anonymous User.
    Plugin Contributor Daryll Doyle


    Hi Both,

    @david1103 good news for you, the issue was that the library wasn’t very case tolerant and therefore was stripping allowed tags due to the mismatch. I’ve updated the underlying library and have release 1.4.1 of this plugin which should fix it for you ??

    @mrlagmer unfortunately it’s not such great news for you. The use element can be used in a few ways to attack from an SVG so I’m not comfortable allowing it through the library, even in cases like yours where it’s quite obviously going to cause no harm. The fact that DOMPurify also strips the <use> element from your SVG makes me think that it’s something that won’t be added for a while, if at all. I’m sorry to say but I’m going to have to mark this as a wontfix for now but it’s something that may potentially come in the future once sanitisation improves.

    On the other hand, if you don’t mind adjusting your SVG to not use the <use> element, such as the one below, it will sanitise just fine:

    <svg width="60" height="49" viewBox="0 0 60 49" version="1.1" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:figma="https://www.figma.com/figma/ns">
    <title>Icon copy</title>
    <desc>Created using Figma</desc>
    <g id="Canvas" transform="translate(-3904 3533)" figma:type="canvas">
    <g id="Icon copy" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" figma:type="frame">
    <g id="xE002  copy" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" figma:type="frame">
    <g id="Group" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" figma:type="frame">
    <g id="Vector" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" figma:type="vector">
    <path id="path0_fill" transform="translate(3904.5 -3532.66)" fill="#191B1D" style="mix-blend-mode:normal;" d="M 0.700012 36.9C 0.300012 36.5 0 35.9 0 35.3L 0 2.30001C 0 1.70001 0.200012 1.10001 0.700012 0.700006C 1.10001 0.300006 1.69999 -6.10352e-06 2.29999 -6.10352e-06L 56.3 -6.10352e-06C 56.9 -6.10352e-06 57.5 0.200006 57.9 0.700006C 58.3 1.10001 58.6 1.70001 58.6 2.30001L 58.6 35.3C 58.6 35.9 58.4 36.5 57.9 36.9C 57.5 37.3 56.9 37.6 56.3 37.6L 30 37.6L 30 39.8C 30 40.3 29.8 40.6 29.2 40.6C 28.7 40.6 28.4 40.4 28.4 39.8L 28.4 37.6L 2.20001 37.6C 1.60001 37.6 1.10001 37.4 0.700012 36.9ZM 1.5 35.3C 1.5 35.8 1.69999 36.1 2.29999 36.1L 56.3 36.1C 56.8 36.1 57.1 35.9 57.1 35.3L 57.1 2.30001C 57.1 1.80001 56.9 1.49999 56.3 1.49999L 2.29999 1.49999C 1.79999 1.49999 1.5 1.80001 1.5 2.30001L 1.5 35.3ZM 4.5 32.3L 4.5 5.30001C 4.5 4.80001 4.69999 4.49999 5.29999 4.49999L 53.3 4.49999C 53.8 4.49999 54.1 4.80001 54.1 5.30001L 54.1 32.3C 54.1 32.8 53.9 33.1 53.3 33.1L 5.29999 33.1C 4.69999 33.1 4.5 32.9 4.5 32.3ZM 6 31.6L 52.5 31.6L 52.5 6.1L 6 6.1L 6 31.6ZM 37.5 42.1C 38.3 42.1 39 42.4 39.6 43C 40.2 43.6 40.5 44.3 40.5 45.2L 40.5 47.4C 40.5 47.9 40.3 48.2 39.7 48.2L 18.7 48.2C 18.2 48.2 17.9 47.9 17.9 47.4L 17.9 45.1C 17.9 44.2 18.2 43.5 18.7 42.9C 19.2 42.3 20 42.1 20.9 42.1L 37.5 42.1ZM 38.6 44.1C 38.3 43.8 38 43.6 37.5 43.6L 21 43.6C 20 43.6 19.5 44.1 19.5 45.1L 19.5 46.6L 39 46.6L 39 45.2C 39 44.8 38.9 44.4 38.6 44.1Z"/>


    Thread Starter mrlagmer


    Hey @enshrined thanks very much for the quick feedback on the issue. Good to know that this can be used as an attack vector and yes happy that your plugin plays it safe.

    I guess will look at fixing the SVG file.

    Once again thanks for the quick feedback.

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