• Resolved Made in the Moon


    So in the following svg file I am trying to use a symbol and repeat it with differing scales and rotations, but I cant upload into wordpress. I just get a HTTP error.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
    <!-- Creator: Made in the Moon -->
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    .filw {fill:white}
    .filly {fill:#F0EC74}
    .fillb {fill:#ADD8E6}
    .fillp {fill:#E4BED2}
    .fily {fill:#FFDA03}
    .filb {fill:#224D8F}
    .filnb {fill:#002A5C}
    .filr {fill:#B1302A}
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    .filo {fill:#DF6426}
    .filp {fill:#3F2A56}
    .filc {fill:#EC3B83}
    .filt {fill:#40E0D0}
    .filsg {fill:#AFAFAF}
    <symbol id="grow" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" preserveAspectRatio="none">
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    <path id="neck" class="filn strw" d="M405 120c26,59 93,91 150,50 17,-12 31,-30 40,-50l19 8c-20,46 -64,81 -114,81 -50,0 -94,-35 -114,-81l19 -8z"/>
    <path id="top-leg" class="filn strw" d="M295 682c57,6 77,24 105,73 12,22 24,45 49,52l-20 14c-39,-21 -49,-78 -83,-102 -15,-10 -33,-14 -52,-16l1 -21zm256 125c52,-15 46,-96 120,-118l34 -7 1 21c-49,5 -63,20 -87,62 -12,20 -26,45 -48,56l-20 -14z"/>
    <path id="bot-leg" class="filn strw" d="M565 816c15,12 26,29 37,50l-6 12 -11 0c-10,-20 -20,-35 -32,-45 -14,-11 -30,-16 -53,-16 -23,0 -39,5 -52,16 -13,10 -23,25 -33,45l-11 0 -6 -12c11,-21 22,-38 37,-50 17,-13 37,-20 65,-20 28,0 49,7 65,20z"/>
    <g id="hem" class="filn str1">
    <path d="M285 348c6,3 80,-92 33,-194"/><path d="M715 348c-6,3 -80,-92 -33,-194"/></g>
    <g id="poppers" class="fil2 strn">
    <circle cx="462" cy="812" r="6"/><circle cx="500" cy="806" r="6"/><circle cx="538" cy="812" r="6"/></g>
    <use id="p-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filp strw" x="300" y="0" height="60%" width="60%" transform="rotate(-4)"/>
    <use id="b-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filb strw" x="-100" y="340" height="80%" width="80%" transform="rotate(2)"/>
    <use id="y-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fily strw" x="550" y="100" height="50%" width="50%" transform="rotate(-10)"/>
    <use id="o-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filo strw" x="620" y="130" height="70%" width="70%" transform="rotate(15)"/>
    <use id="g-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filg strw" x="250" y="-80" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(10)"/>
    <use id="c-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filc strw" x="830" y="-190" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(25)"/>
    <use id="w-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filw strw" x="20" y="540" height="65%" width="65%" transform="rotate(-15)"/>
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    <use id="ly-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filly strw" x="-350" y="400" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-20)"/>
    <use id="t-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filt strw" x="350" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-10)"/>
    <use id="nb-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filnb strw" x="520" y="400" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-8)"/>
    <use id="sg-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filsg strw" x="-150" y="0" height="60%" width="60%" transform="rotate(-18)"/>
    <use id="ag-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filag strw" x="50" y="100" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-8)"/>
    <use id="m-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="film strw" x="-150" y="150" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-13)"/>
    <use id="lp-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fillp strw" x="150" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-10)"/>
    <use id="lg-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fillg strw" x="550" y="85" height="30%" width="30%" transform="rotate(25)"/>
    <use id="r-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filr strw" x="50" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(3)"/>

    Can you help me identify what I am doing wrong?

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • any luck?

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    Hey, sorry for the delay here!
    I only got a notification from the reply, not the original post ??

    Try this one:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Creator: Made in the Moon -->
    <svg xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" width="1000px" height="1000px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
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    .strn {stroke:none}
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    .filw {fill:white}
    .filly {fill:#F0EC74}
    .fillb {fill:#ADD8E6}
    .fillp {fill:#E4BED2}
    .fily {fill:#FFDA03}
    .filb {fill:#224D8F}
    .filnb {fill:#002A5C}
    .filr {fill:#B1302A}
    .film {fill:#5B2B42}
    .filg {fill:#50C878}
    .fillg {fill:#92BF55}
    .filag {fill:#4B5320}
    .filo {fill:#DF6426}
    .filp {fill:#3F2A56}
    .filc {fill:#EC3B83}
    .filt {fill:#40E0D0}
    .filsg {fill:#AFAFAF}
    <symbol id="grow" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000" preserveAspectRatio="none">
    <path id="grow-body" d="M315 155l91 -34c57,20 131,20 188,0l91 34 126 60c3,1 2,0 2,3l-32 131c0,1 0,1 -1,1l-65 -2c-22,118 -13,236 -9,355 -42,48 -78,106 -110,175 -66,3 -126,3 -192,0 -32,-69 -68,-127 -110,-175 4,-119 13,-237 -9,-355l-65 2c-1,0 -1,0 -1,-1l-32 -131c0,-3 -1,-2 2,-3l126 -60z"/>
    <path id="neck" class="filn strw" d="M405 120c26,59 93,91 150,50 17,-12 31,-30 40,-50l19 8c-20,46 -64,81 -114,81 -50,0 -94,-35 -114,-81l19 -8z"/>
    <path id="top-leg" class="filn strw" d="M295 682c57,6 77,24 105,73 12,22 24,45 49,52l-20 14c-39,-21 -49,-78 -83,-102 -15,-10 -33,-14 -52,-16l1 -21zm256 125c52,-15 46,-96 120,-118l34 -7 1 21c-49,5 -63,20 -87,62 -12,20 -26,45 -48,56l-20 -14z"/>
    <path id="bot-leg" class="filn strw" d="M565 816c15,12 26,29 37,50l-6 12 -11 0c-10,-20 -20,-35 -32,-45 -14,-11 -30,-16 -53,-16 -23,0 -39,5 -52,16 -13,10 -23,25 -33,45l-11 0 -6 -12c11,-21 22,-38 37,-50 17,-13 37,-20 65,-20 28,0 49,7 65,20z"/>
    <g id="hem" class="filn str1">
    <path d="M285 348c6,3 80,-92 33,-194"/><path d="M715 348c-6,3 -80,-92 -33,-194"/></g>
    <g id="poppers" class="fil2 strn">
    <circle cx="462" cy="812" r="6"/><circle cx="500" cy="806" r="6"/><circle cx="538" cy="812" r="6"/></g>
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    <use id="g-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filg strw" x="250" y="-80" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(10)"/>
    <use id="c-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filc strw" x="830" y="-190" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(25)"/>
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    <use id="ag-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filag strw" x="50" y="100" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-8)"/>
    <use id="m-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="film strw" x="-150" y="150" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-13)"/>
    <use id="lp-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fillp strw" x="150" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(-10)"/>
    <use id="lg-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="fillg strw" x="550" y="85" height="30%" width="30%" transform="rotate(25)"/>
    <use id="r-grow" xlink:href="#grow" class="filr strw" x="50" y="300" height="40%" width="40%" transform="rotate(3)"/>
    Thread Starter Made in the Moon


    Hi @benbodhi

    Thank you, that has fixed it, sorry for my delay too, just hadn’t the spare time to check it.

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    Good news. And no problem at all ??

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