It is not a vulnerability or a new type of attack.. It is a parameter your local WordFence use to call itself, that under normal conditions should NOT become visible to the outside.
Unfortunately there are conditions where WordFence panics and spews it out into page code using Javascript, where visitors, Google, and other bots can find the link.
In either case, the parameter is there by accident, not an attack it itself. When someone OTHER THAN your own server calls with it, it means that they have found and called the query link, but calling it is not a security risk. It is part of slightly abnormal “normal business”. ??
Mostly a nuisance with Google Search Console when GoogleBot finds it, since they now are thinking your site uses query args it does not.
Given the Epoch timestamps you show, these links were caught/seen/called on
Saturday, August 19, 2017 4:10:09.600 AM GMT-06:00 DST
Saturday, August 19, 2017 6:24:14.490 AM GMT-06:00 DST
so these particular ones obviously just recently happened.
I think you are seeing another unfortunate side-effect of this case, which you might wanna read through: