• Hi,
    I have a very weird issue with Super Cache on all my sites. Every so often, a suspicious directory is created. An example of such would be:


    Why is this directory being created? It seems to be some kind of security bug with Super Cache.

    Thanks for your help.


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  • vahost


    I’m concerned about this as well. I found one other post from a couple years ago on the same subject, but it was never addressed either.


    I would like to see a reply from Donncha or Automatic about this one.



    I’m also experiencing this.

    Here are some examples.

    When I inspect the cached file in the folder,
    it is the content for the home page of our website.




    What’s particularly disturbing about these cases is that when you visit the address that’s cached, even when it’s a domain name owned by someone else, your own home page shows up for that site.

    For instance, for me one of the domains is https://www.johnstonsfamily.net. I can go into the cache folder, delete all references to johnstonsfamily.net, and then visit https://www.johnstonsfamily.net. When I do this, my web page shows up (spamlessmail.com), and the cache entry reappears in my cache folder.

    This means that it’s possible for a competitor to create multiple mirrors of my website and perhaps get my site treated as a spam site by the search engines. The practice is known as “spamdexing” and is considered a black hat SEO practice.

    It also shows any hidden code, such as shortcodes, which has the potential for increasing vulnerability of the website.

    Roger Elve


    @vahost, that’s not really the case.

    The johnstonsfamily.net and spamlessmail.com domains both point to the same IPv4 address (
    The johnstonsfamily.net domain is apparently not configured on the server,?but since spamlessmail.com seems to be the default site, it’s getting served by default.
    You can verify this behavior by accessing the server directly using its IP address.
    I don’t know if your hosting provider is to blame, or if the owner of johnstonsfamily.net simply mixed up the DNS records.
    Anyhow, since the server defaults to spamlessmail.com, WPSuperCache will create a directory for the johnstonsfamily.net domain as expected.

    Generally speaking though, most of these issues are due to the client (bot or whatever) supplying a fake host header causing WPSuperCache to write a new folder.
    A simple fix would be to check the HTTP_HOST variable against a valid list of hosts in your .htaccess file.

    You can see a proof of concept here: https://youtu.be/CkYUFr86bCA



    Thanks for the tip, Roger. I’ll check that video out and make appropriate changes.

    However, I still maintain that there’s an issue with WPSuperCache here, for the reason you gave. If WPSuperCache is responding to a fake host header, then there’s a problem, isn’t there? It means that anyone can create web pages on a server where their domain name is NOT configured. And worse, they can thereby effectively represent the home page as coming from their domain, which is precisely what the search engines do not want.

    Just because a client sends a request via an IP address doesn’t mean that WPSuperCache has to respond to it regardless of the domain involved. There’s really no reason why the author and maintainers of the plugin can’t limit requests to the domain associated with the WordPress installation.

    Nevertheless, I don’t want you to think that I don’t appreciate your efforts, both in replying to my query and in posting the YouTube video. I do appreciate both!



    I can confirm that Roger Elve’s workaround does resolve the issue (although this is still something that the WPSuperCache team need to address directly).

    Thanks Roger!

    To cut to the quick, here’s what you need to add to your .htaccess file for your website.

    If your website’s URL uses www or a subdomain, such as subdomain.yourdomain.tld, then the entry in .htaccess should read:

    # Block hosts not matching server name
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^subdomain\.yourdomain\.tld$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ – [L,R=403]

    If you don’t use www or a subdomain in your website’s URL, then it should read like this:

    # Block hosts not matching server name
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^yourdomain\.tld$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ – [L,R=403]

    Be sure to test both your website and the “invader” domain name after you make the change, to make sure everything is working correctly.

    Thread Starter jbenes


    I would like to see the plugin add those lines to .htaccess automatically. I agree with vahost in that this needs to be directly addressed by the Automattic team.



    Actually, they shouldn’t even need to make any changes to .htaccess. The plugin can detect the correct domain name internally. It’s a main setting in WordPress that can easily be accessed by a php script.

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    A few notes:
    1. It isn’t exactly a fake host header. If your site is returned with any domain name pointing to your server’s IP address, then it is accurate.

    2. I am, personally, a bit torn. If there are other domain names pointing to your install and we purposely don’t cache it, then folks could use that to go after your site (avoiding the cache, using more resources, etc). Having the server configured to not accept a random host name (or redirect it properly) is probably a better solution, but it isn’t strictly a WPSC issue. For example in Nginx, you can specify what server_name options return what websites and have a simple die if one of those isn’t being used, etc.

    3. There are plenty of people with bad server setups. I’ve seen, for example, a lot of folks on hosting providers that initially assign them a URL (obviously a real IP and not home), which is saved in their WP db. The domain name is pointed to the site and works, but they never update their WP install. While that’s broken and needs fixing too, as it is now, WPSC would still cache their site. Depending on how strict any change would be, this would make the plugin ineffective for them until they fix the other issues (which may or may not be apparent to them).

    In short, my initial view is if your server is directing traffic to your site with an incorrect host name, I think it should be fixed more on the server level than within WP Super Cache. I’m hesitant to introduce new functionality that wouldn’t actually fix the problem (no caching other incoming hostnames) or is outside the scope of WP Super Cache (blocking other incoming hostnames).

    Open to disagreement and being wrong.



    “I am, personally, a bit torn. If there are other domain names pointing to your install and we purposely don’t cache it, then folks could use that to go after your site (avoiding the cache, using more resources, etc).”


    Thread Starter jbenes


    After having waited a few weeks, I can say the issue has gotten worse. On approximately 40 WordPress sites I monitor, fake directories are being created about every 5 minutes (alternating between all the sites). It happens consistently across all the WordPress sites.

    I see your dilemma, but I think an appropriate solution would be to make this spoofing protection an option that can be enabled in the advanced settings. Anyone messing around there should know what they’re getting into and I’d much rather just change a plugin setting than have to make changes on the server side.

    Hi All,
    What about adding a field in WP Super Cache for approved domains, and one for excluded domains. If left blank the caching would behave as it does now.

    What do you think?


    Approved Domains would limit to only the specified domains if the field was not blank.

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