• I just started using AIOVG last week and need a page where the user could select from a list of categories and have the page filter down to the right subset of videos, preferably without a separate “submit form” click. San at AIOVG support helped me out with the exact shortcode to use and a php function that would bypass the submit button to create the effect I need. The responses to my emails were super fast, thorough, and helpful, and I’m very pleased with the result.

    Even when I had a very silly question at the end about how to change the page title of AIOVG’s auto-generated pages, they patiently wrote back and explained that you can do that in the totally standard way, and didn’t call me a dumba** for asking.

    I would give the plugin itself 4 stars (will graduate to 5 when it has AJAX tag filtering) but I would give support 10 stars.

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