• Resolved prodigian


    Hello, I am writing you here as I am not getting responses from you and also no resolution. I hope when I go public, my plugin what I have purchased will be working as written.

    I have premium version fo your plugin and I have issue with it. I need your help Plugin Version: 3.5.5 (API Version: 2.19.25)

    ———– FACEBOOK ——

    I need to say that I have read all your support forum knowledge database, I am part of FBgroup, FB groups are not secret, I have not changed password for these accounts, my app is setted corerctly as part of posts is working fine.

    1. I have FB issue with IMAGE POST only .. other post types are working fine ( Image Post – big image with text message) and I get this error. This is not secret group and I am admin as well.

    -=ERROR=- Array ( [Warning] => [Error] => Unsupported post request. | Are you posting to a secret group? Please see: https://gd.is/fbe2 )

    Problem is not definitely in secret group as group is not secret and I am admin of group. What is working fine is text post or Link post, but not image post.

    2. Another group issue is this ONE: =ERROR=- Array ( [Warning] => [Error] => Invalid appsecret_proof provided in the API argument )

    3. – -=ERROR=- Array ( [Warning] => [Error] => Error validating access token: Session does not match current stored session. This may be because the user changed the password since the time the session was created or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons. )

    4. -=ERROR=- Array ( [Warning] => [Error] => Invalid appsecret_proof provided in the API argument )

    5. The main problem is that I think that your plugin cannot process more FB groups. I have 50 groups setted and it is not working. When I send it to all my groups, even after 60 minutes nothing will happened. Posting … it could take some time is still processing with nothing in LOG.

    6. Why on one domain, almost everything is working almost fine, and on other domain I have serious issues? I have tried to reinstalll wodpress, reset SNAP, reinstalled plugins… disabled other plugins just to skip compatibility issues. How can I remove SNAP from my database and start clean setup? not by simple hit of prepared button, which is not helping. Can you connect to my site and tell me where is a problem?

    7. Why my google accout is permanently deleting from SNAP? why extra account is added to google account? this is for domain aliexpress.ceskyali.cz Can you connect to my website please and fix the problems? you can run log.

    8. FB issue again with scheduled posts. I have 4 identical sites with same template, same plugins and on two of them all is working fine, and on two I have issues:

    I have one another serious problem, and this is about scheduling posts on FB page. I need support.

    I schedule posts 10 posts for every 60 min and what happens:

    1. Posts are scheduled
    2. Posts dont appear on FB page after 10 hours
    3. After I login into wordpress admin and look in log file I can see that they have been posted all 10 posts has been posted exactly on time, when I have looged in. So I see all posts on FB page published on same time, no every hour how I wanted.

    You told me that my cron is wrong by this article: https://www.nextscripts.com/tutorials/wp-cron-scheduling-tasks-in-wordpress/
    But these 4 sites are running on same server … and two websites are OK and scheduling all ok and other two are not.

    9. INSTAGRAM is chapter by itself as API or I dont know why is not working. Why I can see, that one post from 100 has been send to instagram? You told me that instagram has some spam filters : “Instagram SPAM filter. Sorry, to say but either your site has been reported to Instragram or your hosting profiler is not welcome there. Usually this is getting resolved by itself in several days. “

    I told you that I have several webhostings, I have 10 websites, and I have 10 different instagram accounts and non of them are working. You sent me solution

    Can you provide me appropriate support so in few days my plugin what I haev purchased will be working as described? Hopefully when I posted here officialy, I will not get one response which does not resolve anything.


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  • Thread Starter prodigian


    Please, answer my Q by number so we will not skip anything. Thanks a lot.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Hello, I am writing you here as I am not getting responses from you and also no resolution. I hope when I go public, my plugin what I have purchased will be working as written.

    I have premium version fo your plugin and I have issue with it. I need your help Plugin Version: 3.5.5 (API Version: 2.19.25)

    I’m sorry, but as you are a customer the plugin author cannot support you in these free volunteer forums. The plugin author is aware of that and will have to send you to his site for support. Commercial product support is not for these forums.

    Please follow up with the author there.

    Thread Starter prodigian


    This is very sad, as I am not getting support from team (in touch with Ludwig Van Normainen) Week ago I have reported issues and since now NON of my issues are solved. I hoped that this forum will help me to clarify everything ??

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