I realize some of you are having problems getting verified by Pinterest, but as long as the meta tag is getting output to your home page correctly there’s not much else I can do.
You can check this tag by viewing the source on your page. In Chrome it’s right-click to bring up the “View Source” option. In Safari you’ll need to turn on the “Develop” menu under Preferences, then there’s a “Show Page Source” option in this menu.
You should see a meta tag like this near the top of your home page source:
<meta name="p:domain_verify" content="123456789" />
If not, then something’s not working and their might be a conflict with another plugin or your theme. In this case post a new thread in these forums and maybe someone else knows how to help:
Pinterest has a post on it as well:
Finally, if your meta tag is getting output correctly but Pinterest isn’t verifying you, you can try submitting a support request with them here:
Sorry, but this is the extent as to how I know how to help on this issue.