• Since one of my WP sites was banned by the host for sending thousands of spam mail without my knowing I have now given up on the idea of hosting the site myself and have now put it on the WP.COM hosting site.

    That way if there are any problems it is entirely down to them. It’s their server security their php security, not mine. Another point is that the WordPress Support Forum on the www.remarpro.com site – that’s this one – is a joke. There is NO support in my experience.

    A blog site that I have run for the last 6 years has gone down, initially due to hacking. I removed the malicious code but was left with a small problem. No way was I going to get ANY answer to my request for help never mind a useful answer:


    In my view WordPress is useless unless there is a system of support that works. Yes, I know they are all volunteers but it has not worked for me, and lot’s of other people if the number of unresolved problems is anything to go by.

    I have been or am using many other free systems such as forums, galleries and blog sites where the help from the volunteers has been firstclass. In the case of WordPress problems that have arisen for me recently have been due to the susceptibility of WP to security issues that have been legion and still are.

    Someone out there should help us poor suckers who are not too familiar with php scripting to get our sometimes “precious and irreplaceable” blogs back up and running again.

    If they cannot do that then they should make it clear that:

    Warning, WordPress is only suitable for those users who have considerable scripting knowledge.

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  • Warning, WordPress is only suitable for those users who have considerable scripting knowledge.

    Not necessarily scripting but basic server administration knowledge is helpful.

    In the case of WordPress problems that have arisen for me recently have been due to the susceptibility of WP to security issues that have been legion and still are.

    Of course old version of WP are hackable that’s why there are new version out.

    As for your other issue I will reply to that thread and try to help.

    Someone out there should help us poor suckers who are not too familiar with php scripting to get our sometimes “precious and irreplaceable” blogs back up and running again.

    honestly, whats with the rash of posts like this?

    can i be blunt, and say

    1. if you dont like the software you are using, that you can use something else. No-one will mind.

    2. you can go to wordpress.com — no-one will mind.

    3. if you dont like the free support around here, you can always PAY someone to do things for you.

    There are hundreds of threads on here that address how to handle hacked sites. The help is already here. You want a free magic pill, not help.

    Thread Starter bran8464


    honestly, whats with the rash of posts like this?

    it’s not rocketscience. It’s due to attitudes like yours. yes I sorted the hacking without help but some things are beyond my abilities. I have run WP sites for some time and have sorted most things myself. WP has been good but the “rash of posts like this” say it all.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    yes I sorted the hacking without help but some things are beyond my abilities.

    So, why exactly do you expect other people to volunteer their time, for free, to assist you where your own abilities are deficient? Will you come to my workplace and do my job for me too? That would be brilliant!

    it’s not rocketscience.

    No, but then neither is brain surgery.

    All we offer here is advice, and sometimes that advice is going to be “go hire somebody that knows what they’re doing”. I mean, if you said to me “Hey, I know how to repair my 1964 automobile, can somebody explain to me how to fix this Atlas V rocket I happened to acquire in a yard sale?“, then I might have to say “dude, you need professional help”.

    This sort of thing happens a lot around here. Somebody with nothing more than basic HTML and FTP experience is simply not qualified to administer their own website. Sure, they can probably learn how to do it, but we are not teachers, and many people don’t think that they have anything to learn anyway. We can help only to a limited degree, which usually means that we only really offer support to those people most likely to benefit from it. Far too many people come here without the necessary background to really solve the problem they are having, and we usually cannot help those people.

    It’s not rocket science, but it is also not “basic computer skills” either. Web servers and database administration are entire fields in the computing industry. People make a full time living from doing them. Why do you think that it’s something you can pick up from a few posts with random strangers in a forum?

    It’s due to attitudes like yours.

    Thats hilarious. Given that today is the first time youve even gotten a response from me.

    Like I said, you want a pill, and you are in the wrong place for that. We cant make things any more fricken dumbed down than they are than they already are, sorry — and I, like many others, assume a minimal amount of intelligence when dealing with people around here. I tend to try and treat people that they 1) can read and 2) arent 5 year olds.

    You want a babysitter I suggest hiring one.

    For the record, the fact that you are even here whining is ALL of your own doing. You do realize that, right?

    Lastly, IF you actually looked through the majority of the “hacked” threads, and didn’t understand, or felt something was beyond your abilities, WHY wouldn’t you speak up like a normal human being and sat THAT in your other thread, instead of spouting off like a baby in this thread.

    If I wanted REAL help with something that was clearly beyond my comprehension, the last thing Im going to do is alienate the best people to help me by behaving like a child. Instead, Im going to say something like, “hey you know, I read this, and I dont understand this ..”.

    You might try that some time. Nobody here reads your mind, either.

    On second glance though, __THIS, right here__ is your modus operandi:


    waste of time, frankly, imo.

    OP, it just looks to me like you are lazy and want other people to do your job for you. This board is EXCELLENT for people who are willing to research and ask for HELP and solving their problem, again not somebody to do their work for them.

    I have only been around here a short time, but I can say your rude and arrogant attitude in every post, in every question you ask might be ONE factor in you not getting the assistance you apparently think you deserve.

    Sorry to the other experienced users who posted earlier in this thread, this forum has just been too much help to me, I cannot let this pass without a comment.

    You need better contact with your host. If your site spams, then your host is supposed to tell you about it and help you fix things.
    My self-made scripts have been exploited in the previous years, but not lately, since I use WordPress on all of my new client sites.
    Luck? Dunno. But if it’s hacked, it’s between me and my host to figure it out.

    In my view WordPress is useless unless there is a system of support that works. Yes, I know they are all volunteers but it has not worked for me, and lot’s of other people if the number of unresolved problems is anything to go by.

    The support surrounding this software is community-driven ie: you and me. Of the thousands of WordPress users out there only about a dozen or so help out in this forum answering questions on a regular basis. Do you see the volume of support tickets coming in on a daily basis? You do the math.

    Thread Starter bran8464


    Well, these replies say it all don’t they? I posted this because I was not getting any replies as are lots of other users. No, I’m not behaving like a child you lot are with your vicious replies.

    I’m competent with what I do but I don’t do php but I have sorted php problems out in the past. I am speaking for lots of people who are not as competent as I am, I just needed a signpost and no, I am not whining and yes I did ask for help but the thread was page 12 in 24 hours AS ARE MANY MORE with no chance of any response.

    I am also competent enough to help others on this forum when I can. I know all about community driven support and as I said I particiapete myself when I can. I have got to know WP pretty well in the last 5 years so get off your high horses because there are a lot of newbies out there who are not getting answers

    You need better contact with your host. If your site spams, then your host is supposed to tell you about it and help you fix things.
    My self-made scripts have been exploited in the previous years, but not lately, since I use WordPress on all of my new client sites.
    Luck? Dunno. But if it’s hacked, it’s between me and my host to figure it out.

    My host was having none of it. The server was blacklisted because of my WP site by Hotmail. There was no discussion the domain was banned from the server.

    Funny how everyone is so quick to release bile on this thread. You must all be perfect.

    You must all be perfect.

    I’m not, I’m confused. You got the help you required in your thread and said it was resolved, then you started this thread to rant.

    If you don’t like the way things are, help out and make things better. Write some Codex pages so that people can find answers in there.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    That’s enough of this nonsense.


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