@zodiac1978 Never tried Mass-Activate before with WP-Rocket.
Anyway, I just did: I do have the same error on our test servers if I try Mass-Activate with WP-Rocket.
So it seems WP-Rocket and this Plugin doesn’t work well together. Although never had issues with other plugins to Mass-Activate or Deactivate.
Why don’t you use WP-CLI? It allows you quite easily to do what you want. Just create a bash script and use something like this:
You might need to replace the calls to wp
with a whole path to the WP-CLI executable.
PLUGINS_TO_ACTIVATE="hellodolly antispambee"
for SITE_URL in $(wp site list --fields=domain,path,archived,deleted --format=csv | grep ",0,0$" | awk -F ',' '{print $1 $2}')
echo "[$SITE_URL] Activate Plugins: $PLUGINS_TO_ACTIVATE"
wp plugin activate $PLUGINS_TO_ACTIVATE--url="$SITE_URL"
echo "[$SITE_URL] done!"
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by