• Hi Hyyan,

    I really need your help here. I raised same question 2 weeks ago but am yet to get any response. Your plugin works great with everything except for Woocommerce Paid Listings plugin. WC Paid Listings adds a two product types:
    – Listing package
    – Listing package subscription
    Now Listing package works fine, BUT Listing package subscription product type doesn’t. The problem is as follows:
    Now when you attempt to create a Listing package subscription, upon clicking on update, the new product saves as a “simple subscription” instead…
    Upon troubleshooting, commenting out the save_post add_action in /wp-content/plugins/woo-poly-integration/src/Hyyan/WPI/Product/Meta.php line-246 allows the Listing package subscription to save successfully BUT when translated, the translated product switches back to “simple subscription”… I have spoken to the author of WC Listing package subscription and he believes your plugin does not give enough time for wc listing package to “save”. I don’t know if this is clear enough – i can give you access to my installation so you can test and see for yourself. Thanks so much.


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  • Thread Starter saliljnr


    Hi, Ok, turns out Listing package subscription package type stays intact on save although “simple subscription” is selected when viewing product types in the backend – this only happens when woo poly is active ??

    Hi saliljnr,
    have you find a solution for this. And after translations have you all WC Paid Listings in each language and not the language you have selected. there is a plugin

    that will translate the slugs for each language. maybe this can help.

    hope for help

    hi saliljnr,

    i find the solution. Settings – Permalinks – Product Permalinks change from Standard to Shop base. something like /shop/sample-product/

    than you only see the packages to each language. And use
    WP V 4.4.2/ WOO V 2.4.7 to 2.5.2/ Poly V 1.8.1
    and the master from hyyan (0.26)on github.
    hope that will help

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