• Rene


    This plugin does not seem to support any other languages than English yet, even though reftagger itself dos support German, French and Spanish as well.

    After adding reftagger manually with a German Bibel via wp_enqueue_script(), I encountered several other reftagger issues with German Bible references. As I couldn’t find a place to file general reftagger issues, I hope you will be able to forward these to the developers:
    – German Bible references are only recognised when ‘:’ is used as a chapter-verse separator, even though ‘,’ is the only chapter-verse separator ever used for German Bible references. It would be great if the separator could be specified or both supported for German to prevetnt breaking German websites already using ‘:’ for the sake of reftagger.
    – The German Bible translation ‘NTGNUBERZUNG’ might be unique in the list of supported Bible translations in being an NT-only translation so far. Unfortunately, it does not make sense to use it with reftagger, if it’s not also possible to supply a fallback translation that can be used for the OT.
    – Ironically, the Bible references presented in the 4th FAQ in https://de.reftagger.com/documentation/ as being recognised correctly are largely not recognised.


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