• Resolved wphastings


    Hi Community

    Great plugin. But my WebP images are not being displayed on Safari 15.6.1 (running macOS 10.15 Catalina). I guess this combination does not support them – is that correct?

    If so can anyone recommend a Polyfill to fix?


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  • Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    Hello @wphastings thanks for getting in touch. There is partial support for WebP with Safari 15 but this also requires MacOS 11 Big Sur or later to work with this version of Safari (see caniuse).

    Regarding Polyfill, this was previously discussed here with this polyfill considered at the time but the issue was closed. Please do feel free to add a comment to the GitHub issue regarding this and we can reopen and take another look at this.

    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Thread Starter wphastings


    Thanks Adam – that looks very interesting though I am not able to follow dev chat.

    I see that my WordPress keeps a copy of my .jpg in the /uploads directory and Performance Lab generates the .WebP formats.

    Would webp-hero, if working correctly, replace the .WebP format with the .jpg file on Safari 15.6.1 (running macOS 10.15 Catalina)?

    Plugin Support Adam Dunnage


    @wphastings No problem at all.

    Yes that is to be expected if you have the WebP feature switch on within the plugin. If you don’t see the WebP images in the browser that is as mentioned above due to the partial support for WebP with Safari 15.

    If webp-hero was utilised then this would allow browsers that don’t support WebP to display these WebP images. As mentioned above though this was discussed and agreed at the time that it would not be pursued. We may revisit this at a later date but at this time this isn’t something that we will implement.

    Hope this helps to answer your questions.

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