Support for multiple AD Domain
Is it possible to configure multiple AD Domains as a source?
Have you tried to enter multiple ‘Domain Controllers’ under ‘Server’ and add all ‘Account Suffix’ under ‘User’ in the settings page?
I think at the moment the only limitation there is, that all servers need to use the same port and the same ‘Base DN’.Thanks for the response. Yes, but because the Base DN is different it fails.
The ability to have multiple AD context definition would be great, with server, Base DN and groups for the each context.There is a slightly related post
although this does not discuss having multiple domain controllers with different Base DN.
Could it be, that the plugin author saw problems if you have completely different domain controllers (with different users) that there might arise conflicts if you have two different users with the same user name? It is not really a huge problem, because you could require the user to add the account-suffix to their username at login – which makes the username unique. But if you like a litte more confort (like appending the account suffix automatically), problems might become hard to trace.Anyways, if you have control over the domain controllers, it should be possible to configure the ‘defaultnamingcontext’ ( on your servers to the Base DN you would have to add otherwise in the plugin settings. The plugin uses the default (as far as I can see in the code) if the ‘Base DN’ is not given (adLDAP.php: find_base_dn()). So if you leave the ‘Base DN’ empty, and the defaultnameingcontext is your required basedn, I presume (not tested!!) that different domain controllers can work.
adLDAP.php:458:if ($this->_base_dn == NULL) { $this->_base_dn = $this->find_base_dn(); }
it might be that this has to be changed to
if ($this->_base_dn == NULL || $this->_base_dn = "") { $this->_base_dn = $this->find_base_dn(); }
since the plugin does not NULL to _base_dn if the otpion is empty.
This is very speculative, and I have no environment to test this easily.
For your original request, the structure of the plugin will have to change – it was just not planned for that.
My company is actually one of about 5 different child companies and our WP intranet is hosted by the parent. We were asked to make it so that each person could use the credentials from their child company to login and we accomplished this with some minor tweaks to the plugin. The only thing though is I’m not sure how to submit to the author the changes…all my work is based on the 1.1.5 plugin so would have to be ported to 1.1.7 but I’d like the author to take a look and see if it’s worth merging into the upstream.
The idea is that the three main values (Domain Controller, Base DN, account suffix) all be semi-colon separated values where the order (array key) matters and keeps the values together. So with the patch applied, the values would look like:
Domain Controller: ldaps://;ldaps://
Base DN: dc=server1,dc=com;dc=server2,dc=com
Account Suffice:;@server2.comWe also check the box to append suffix to username so that we eliminate the issue of duplicate usernames between the unrelated domains. There’s a bit of custom code to allow a user to select their company from a dropdown on the login page but you can also use the username format “[email protected]” and it works just fine.
Here is the patch for the ad-integration.php file (again for v 1.1.5):
— ad-integration.php (revision 70)
+++ ad-integration.php (working copy)
@@ -676,7 +676,12 @@
$this->_log(ADI_LOG_NOTICE,’User with ID 1 will never be authenticated by Active Directory Integration.’);
return false;
+ # only needed because we added a dropdown to wp-login.php to make selecting domain easier
+ if (isset($_REQUEST[‘login_suffix’]) && !is_null($_REQUEST[‘login_suffix’])){
+ $username = $username . $_REQUEST[‘login_suffix’];
+ }
// extract account suffix from username if not set
// (after loading of options)
// Extended for issue #0043
@@ -719,9 +724,26 @@
$this->_log(ADI_LOG_NOTICE,’username: ‘.$username);
$this->_log(ADI_LOG_NOTICE,’password: **not shown**’);+ //Override Domain Controller if “AD_Integration_domain_controllers”, “AD_Integration_base_dn” and “AD_Integration_account_suffix” are all arrays AND
+ //a domain was specified on login, find array index of account_suffix and use corresponding indexes for
+ if (isset($_account_suffix)) { $pdomain = $_account_suffix;}
+ if (!is_null($pdomain) || trim($pdomain)!=”) {
+ $domain_array = explode(“;”,$this->_domain_controllers);
+ $base_dn_array = explode(“;”,$this->_base_dn);
+ //already created array above with $account_suffixes
+ if ((count($domain_array) === count($base_dn_array)) && (count($base_dn_array) === count($account_suffixes))){
+ $domain_index = array_search($pdomain, $account_suffixes);
+ $this->_account_suffix = $account_suffixes[$domain_index];
+ $this->_domain_controllers = $domain_array[$domain_index];
+ $this->_base_dn = $base_dn_array[$domain_index];
+ $this->_append_suffix_to_new_users = true;
+ $logTeaser = “with override”;
+ }
+ }// Log informations
– $this->_log(ADI_LOG_INFO,”Options for adLDAP connection:\n”.
+ $this->_log(ADI_LOG_INFO,”Options for adLDAP connection $logTeaser:\n”.
“- account_suffix: $this->_account_suffix\n”.
“- base_dn: $this->_base_dn\n”.
“- domain_controllers: $this->_domain_controllers\n”.
@@ -3298,4 +3320,4 @@
// Load the plugin hooks, etc.
$AD_Integration_plugin = new ADIntegrationPlugin();-?>
\ No newline at end of file
Thank Steve for the patch. May I ask if this change is applied to current 1.1.7 version?
Thank you. Because I also need this plugin to support multiple ADs.
Thank you very much again for patching~~
It’s on my list of things to do but I haven’t had a chance to try and merge it in yet. I will hopefully tinker a bit this weekend and see how dramatic the changes are to the files but from reading the changelog it looked like it may be pretty straightforward…
Hi Steve
Thank you for your effort. ??
Ok..took a while longer then I had hoped but was able to buckle down and merge into v 1.1.7 and happy to report it’s working as I had hoped with one caveat that I had to customize specific for our env that I’ll explain at the end of this post but here’s the patch file:
— Downloads/active-directory-integration 2/ad-integration.php 2015-04-29 14:18:18.000000000 -0500
+++ Documents/workspace/ADPlugin/ad-integration.php 2015-07-21 16:15:01.000000000 -0500
@@ -675,7 +675,12 @@
$this->_log(ADI_LOG_NOTICE,’User with ID 1 will never be authenticated by Active Directory Integration.’);
return false;
+ # only needed because we added a dropdown to wp-login.php to make selecting domain easier
+ if (isset($_REQUEST[‘login_suffix’]) && !is_null($_REQUEST[‘login_suffix’])){
+ $username = $username . $_REQUEST[‘login_suffix’];
+ }
// extract account suffix from username if not set
// (after loading of options)
// Extended for issue #0043
@@ -718,9 +723,26 @@
$this->_log(ADI_LOG_NOTICE,’username: ‘.$username);
$this->_log(ADI_LOG_NOTICE,’password: **not shown**’);+ //Override Domain Controller if “AD_Integration_domain_controllers”, “AD_Integration_base_dn” and “AD_Integration_account_suffix” are all arrays AND
+ //a domain was specified on login, find array index of account_suffix and use corresponding indexes for
+ if (isset($_account_suffix)) { $pdomain = $_account_suffix;}
+ if (!is_null($pdomain) || trim($pdomain)!=”) {
+ $domain_array = explode(“;”,$this->_domain_controllers);
+ $base_dn_array = explode(“;”,$this->_base_dn);
+ //already created array above with $account_suffixes
+ if ((count($domain_array) === count($base_dn_array)) && (count($base_dn_array) === count($account_suffixes))){
+ $domain_index = array_search($pdomain, $account_suffixes);
+ $this->_account_suffix = $account_suffixes[$domain_index];
+ $this->_domain_controllers = $domain_array[$domain_index];
+ $this->_base_dn = $base_dn_array[$domain_index];
+ $this->_append_suffix_to_new_users = true;
+ $logTeaser = “with override”;
+ }
+ }// Log informations
– $this->_log(ADI_LOG_INFO,”Options for adLDAP connection:\n”.
+ $this->_log(ADI_LOG_INFO,”Options for adLDAP connection $logTeaser:\n”.
“- account_suffix: $this->_account_suffix\n”.
“- base_dn: $this->_base_dn\n”.
“- domain_controllers: $this->_domain_controllers\n”.
@@ -850,7 +872,7 @@// userinfo from AD
$this->_log(ADI_LOG_DEBUG, ‘ATTRIBUTES TO LOAD: ‘.print_r($this->_all_user_attributes, true));
– $userinfo = $this->_adldap->user_info($username, $this->_all_user_attributes); // Issue #0081 $username instead of $ad_username
+ $userinfo = $this->_adldap->user_info($ad_username, $this->_all_user_attributes); // Issue #0081 $username instead of $ad_username
$userinfo = $userinfo[0];
$this->_log(ADI_LOG_DEBUG,”USERINFO[0]: \n”.print_r($userinfo,true));That last part may not be needed for your env. we added yet another company to our fold that has completely screwed up UPN suffixes so [email protected] fails for about 1/3rd of that domain’s users and I don’t have domain admin privs to fix them all on a large scale so I just overrode it to auth as user. you probably can drop the last stanza of the diff if you have a more sane env then I seem to have inherited.
Is there a way of doing this without the drop down box ?
i would like to authenticate against my customers AD / LDAP servers without one customer seeing the name / domain of another customer.
Would you be able to provide some more detailed instructions of how to use your “file” to patch the AD Integration Plugin to work with multiple domain controllers and also multiple base DN?
Not sure why I didn’t get the email from johnmac77 but the short answer is YES you can natively use the wordpress login box but need to require the users to enter their username+UPN suffix, i.e. [email protected]. You basically don’t need the first section of the diff in your code to make that part work.
It’s a basic linux patch file I sent above…this won’t work on windows installations so I can’t be much help there but for linux:copy/paste the patch file into a new file called “ADPatch.diff”
cd to the directory that the ad-integration.php lives in and run the command:
patch ad-integration.php < /path/to/ADPatch.diff
that should be it…PHP will pick up the changes on the fly then you just need to configure the Domain Controller, Base DN, Account Suffix as matched pairs as indicated above.
I hope you are still available to answer my questions :
I get this
patch: **** malformed patch at line 4: $this->_log(ADI_LOG_NOTICE,’User with ID 1 will never be authenticated by Active Directory Integration.’);
When trying to run the patch on linux box
I did a bit of reasearch and found out that each line excluding @, -, or + needs to be indented with space. I did that so and I am one step further ??
Since I get
Hunk #1 FAILED at 675.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 718.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 850.Never mind. I patched it manually, went through each line and removed the line which had – and added the one which had +
When I add two BASE DNs things just don’t work. The minuted I add either of the BaseDN it simply works.
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