Hi there Berry,
that would have been probably nice wouldn’t it ?? Unfortunatelly, I don’t have the time and resources to somehow hack into WP-Ajaxify-Comments, check how it works, and invent a solution that would work with Comment Attachment without changing the Ajaxify plugin, and besides that, if I do it for this plugin, I’d have to do it for all those dozens Ajax plugins out there, which I really don’t intend to do.
In reality, my plugin provides only the “comment attachment” fucntioanlity – seamless to wordpress, using wordpress hooks, wordpress class names, and wordpress way of dealing with comment errors using wp_die. In the same manner all other plugins should be programmed. That way, my plugin provides additional fields for uploading an attachment, provides additional errors if attachment isn’t correct / size-wise, extension-wise etc., and for example this Ajaxify plugin should go thru all hooked fields attached in wordpress comment form – not just the default ones – but all off the ones hooked, and validate them / submit them thru ajax as well. That is the ideology behind Pluggable functionality in essence.
I could amend my code, to add special data attributes or something if I’m asked – so it’s easier to adapt other plugins to mine, but I’m definately not changing Wp-Ajaxify plugin – cause I can’t, nor am I adding ajax solution of my own to this plugin.
Take care Berry,