• Looking in my wp-content/cache/supercache folder there are two strange unknown folders which keep being recreated. One is called categoria.aspx and the other one nuevos-productos.aspx. The categoria.aspx folder contains two files, one called index.html with the following content:

    <!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.523 seconds. -->
    <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2013-12-05 15:25:52 -->
    <!-- Compression = gzip -->
    <!-- super cache -->

    and the corresponding index.html.gz

    The nuevos-productos.aspx folder is empty.

    There are a lot of suspicious requests mostly from China for the categoria.aspx with the following pattern:

    REQUEST_URI: /categoria.aspx?ctid=5037

    Only one request happened for nuevos-productos.aspx:
    REQUEST_URI: /nuevos-productos.aspx

    Why does supercache create a cache directory for url:s which don’t exist on the server?

    Any ideas what might be going on?


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  • Thread Starter Mr Press


    After some testing I concluded that Supercache creates these folders when fake URI’s are requested. For example https://example.com/rubbish.aspx?ctid=5037 creates a rubbish directory in the supercache directory. Inside it there is a file called index.html and it’s corresponding index.html.gz.

    The request https://example.com/trash.aspx will produce an empty folder named trash inside the supercache directory.

    Although I don’t see any danger in it it seems like unwanted behaviour.

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