Hey Danny,
I’m using 1.1.3 on my site at the moment (though i see you just implemented webhooks, nice!) and hadn’t seen before where i can add a custom field from the UI. i must have been using 1.0.2 when i set up my site, and had already added all my fields before the custom field options were added. if i had but realized, i would have given 5 stars to start! ??
Each of our site’s members have a state-issued license number which I like to include in their renewal emails, just so they can confirm it is correct. In order to make this custom wordpress field sync at the time, I needed to add a block of code to the functions.php file to assign the unique wordpress attribute field ID a mailchimp field ID. Of course, i only need to do this once, which is why i never thought to look for it again.
one minor issue i see with the current setup is that you have to log into mailchimp to add another field first before you set up the link to the wordpress field on the plugin side. no big there, but it would be cool if you could add it through the api
one more note; if the wordpress attribute ID happens to start with a number, once i add the code to functions.php, the site crashes. :X i had to alter the IDs i needed in the database to start with a letter instead. (another plugin i use assigns random 20 character hex codes to new fields instead of nice names). not sure if the same issue appears when using the dropdowns in the plugin.