• Flickerfly had posted a hack that would allow a “Source” link in blockquotes. At the same time ff also wanted to be able to name the source to give it context. Well, it’s been done!
    The directions and code can be found here on my site. You can see it in action in the post there, or for a really cool effect, see Buzzing Bye for an example of quotes in a quote…..

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  • Great stuff, TG!

    Have any of you seen the database somehow get corrupted with weird code? I installed the blockquote code from TG and flickerfly, and although I have typed it in exactly as they have, I have a problem on the page.
    You can see the problem here. where the Source: link is listed twice. The HTML differs from the WP Post/Edit coding. I can’t figure this out.

    Hmm…I’m finding that this is quite a clunky way to create this kind of blockquote…especially for doofus Mooses like me! ??

    Another script or it may be the same thing:

    That script seems to have solved the problem. Thanks, Matt!

    How would one go about getting this to work? I put link to citation.js in my index, I edited my .css file, but I don’t know how to make it do the source part.
    I just installed WP today, so I don’t know everything about how it works yet.

    For some reason I can’t get this to work…I think I’m missing something along the way. Here’s what I’ve done:
    * uploaded the citations.js file to my server
    * linked to the citations.js file in my template
    * added title and cite attributes to the blockquote tag
    Now, when I upload a test post, the link doesn’t show up. I’ve viewed my source and verified I’m pointing to the correct location of the .js file…and the blockquote tag has title=”test title?? cite=”https://www.test.com?? inside the opening blockquote tag.
    What am I missing?

    Just as a follow-up:
    Maybe one of the uber-hackers here can write up a nice little addition to the POST/EDIT GUI to make this a bit easier.
    If I knew how, I would. Really! ??

    Hmm…I suspect that there is something wrong with the whole ball of wax. I’m going to strip out everything and start again. ??
    Looking forward to seeing your write-up, TG.

    Aha! I’ve found the problem, but can’t seem to nail down the fix…In my body tag, I’ve got onload=”onloadHandler();” to preload some header graphics. When I remove that line, the blockquotes hack works fine…Seems like the body onload is conflicting with the window.onload in the script. I tried calling extractBlockquoteCitations() in the body onload, but that’s not working either…I’ll keep playing with it. At least I know what the problem is.
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions…

    Thread Starter TechGnome


    Just for S’n’G’s….. how are you guys linking in the js file?
    This is how I’ve go mine linked in:
    <script src="citations.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
    It appears, just _before_ the closing head tag…..
    If it still givesd problems, let me know. The write up it going to have more details that will clear some of this up.

    tcervo, you need to create a function that wraps or calls everything you want to call onload.

    allusion: I had a feeling it was something along those lines. I had a thought last night about writing a “master” function that’s called with the onload handler, that will call any functions I want to load…I’m too full of pie, port, and fudge to do anything about it at the moment, though ??
    Thanks for the help.

    Thread Starter TechGnome


    Ah…. I missed your post when I posted last…. was more concerned with NM’s problems with it.
    Part of the js file creates that hook that is needed. Since you have one already, it sounds like it will take a bit more massaging to get it to work properly. Maybe make the call at the end of your existing script?

    Thread Starter TechGnome


    At long last!
    I have been threatning for a week now to do a complete write up on the evloution of Uber-Blockquotes and how to use it. Well, it’s finally done. The article can be found here on my developer site. It shows step by step how the UBQ is built, provides the javascript code (both with and w/o running commentary) and a sample CSS piece.
    The current incarnation of UBQ is the culmination of work by several people, I just happened to be the last one to touch it, and gave it that cherry on top.

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