Hello @ohtusabes
I apologize for the delay in responding to your question. I’ve been busy working on a plugin update to simplify the process for you.
Please install the latest plugin update and follow the steps below:
- Insert an “HTML Content” field in the form
- Tick the ”?Accept advanced code in content as JavaScript code” checkbox in its settings.
- Finally, enter the following code as its content:
fbuilderjQuery(document).on('formReady', function(){
fbuilderjQuery('[vt]').each(function () {
let e = fbuilderjQuery(this);
e.attr('vt', CONCATENATE(e.attr('vt'), ' (', e.val(),')'));
4. Finally, tick the “Choices Texts” option for the “Value to Submit” attribute in the checkbox, radio button, or dropdown field.
Best regards.