Hi there,
I’m sorry that it is not working for you. I tried visiting the page you shared but that page does not seem to exist/work? Could you check if there is a typo perhaps or is the website blocking traffic from certain parts of the world? (if it is the latter than let me know where I should point my VPS to gain access)
Back to why the summary isn’t working. You can try and check for a plugin or theme conflict. You can start with checking the Browser console (right click, and then click inspect in google chrome) to see if there are any javascript errors on the page. Often if one of your other plugins or the theme itself has a javascript error then this plugin cannot properly work as it uses javascript as well to do its magic.
Read this page to know more about testing for conflicts: https://docs.gravityforms.com/testing-for-a-themeplugin-conflict/
I look forward to hearing back from you and to help you make it work on your site!
Kind regards,