• I’d like to use the Summarize Posts widget to display the upcoming shows for our jazz quartet. I have a “shows” content type with a MySQL formated date.

    I used a PHP query on a page to filter past shows:

    I could use the date_min and date_max filters if I’m using a PHP query, but they don’t seem to be available when defining search criteria using the widget wizard. Can I add those filters manually to the query?

    I’d need to use some PHP to get the current date.
    $args[‘date_min’][‘>’] = date(‘Y-m-d’);

    Not sure how to create a custom widget for this. Is there a template available that I could modify?

    Thanks for any input..


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  • Did you ever get this working? I am looking to figure out how to display a list of records using the summarize posts widget – I am also trying to figure out how to do some custom date formatting as well.

    Thread Starter Michael Lechasseur


    I had to figure it out on my own, but did get it to work.

    Here’s a link to the info that explained custom date formatting using the widget:

    But in the end I wrote PHP and inserted it with the “PHP Code Widget”..

    Never heard back if that’s a preferred solution..

    $Q = new GetPostsQuery();
    $args = array();
    $args['post_type'] = 'shows';
    $args['date_column'] = 'show_date';
    $args['date_min']['>'] = date('Y-m-d');
    $args['orderby'] = 'show_date';
    $args['order'] = 'ASC';
    $args['limit'] = 5;
    $results = $Q->get_posts($args);
    // print $Q->debug();
    <ul class="list-shows">
    foreach ($results as $Q) {
        $show_date = strtotime($Q['show_date']);
        $show_date_formatted = date("F jS, Y", $show_date);
        print '<li><a href="'. $Q['permalink'] . '">'. $Q['post_title'] .'</a><br/>';
        print $show_date_formatted . '</li>';
    <a href="/upcoming-shows">more .. </a>

    I will give that a whirl and see how it goes. Thanks for posting that.

    I also figured out through some digging that I can use this shortcode with an output filter and get the date formatted the way that I wanted it.
    [+post_date:datef==n/j/Y g:i a+]

    My only problem now is that it displays like this:
    8/31/2015 5
    everything after the g is missing.. I have determined it has something to do with the :. If I remove the colon it displays correct with the exception of it is missing the colon. I have shut off all plugins except cctm and I have switched themes. In all cases it does not like that colon in there. So just to get by for now I am forced to use a semicolon.

    [+post_date:datef==n/j/Y g:i a+]
    8/31/2015 5;22 pm


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