Suggestions and a little problem
Hello, nice plugin.
A little problem found: the date shown in the box does not respect the date format defined in WP options (crucial for non English written sites).
Suggestion: an option to custom showing text (type, size and published) so we don’t have to translate all the plugin just for these 3 words.
Hi Li-An,
Thanks for the valuable input!
I’m just working on this now and will release an update very soon with both your suggestion and a fix for the problem.
In the mean time, you can edit the plugin files and fix the date display by changing two files within the plugin….
In the Public folder, you’ll find another folder named Partials. In this folder open the file titled ‘better-file-download-public-box-display.php’ and on around line 40 you will see
_e( date_i18n( 'F j, Y', $bfd_published_date ) );
… change this to readecho $bfd_published_date;
You will also want to change the file tilted better-file-download-public-taxonomy-box-display.php in the same folder… around line 98 change
date_i18n( 'F j, Y', $bfd_published_date ),
to read$bfd_published_date,
I hope this helps. I will push an update to the plugin within the next few days.
I will wait for the update. For the moment I test your plugin, planning to use it instead of Downlod Monitor.
A question: version number does not show. Is it normal?
A suggestion: a third template with image on the left of the box (like Bandcamp player). The default template shows a very big image and it may be good for some files (music) but not all.
Hi Li-An,
I have submitted the update which fixes the date problem and allows you to set the text to be displayed (I popped that into Display Settings at the bottom).
I had only ever intended the version number to be of use to the site admin, I figured that if it was needed on the front end it could be displayed as part of the title.
As far as your request for a third template goes, I was able to achieve something very similar by unchecking the ‘Use default CSS styling’ checkbox and adding the following CSS rules in my child theme stylesheet…
.bfd-single-download{ display: inline-flex;}
.bfd-column.bfd-single-button-container{padding-left: 20%;}
You might want to tinker with the percentages a bit and depending on how aggressive your existing CSS is you might want to add the !important rule.
Thanks again for checking out the plugin and your valuable input, let me know how you get on with it.
Thanks for the update.
The CSS is not perfect in Twenty Seventeen but it’s not a big deal for me (the problem is it impact the boxes without featured image).I’m a little surprised there is no option to add the css directly in the plugin settings but I can understand why.
I will make a review about your plugin on my WP plugins review blog and will probably use it.
Another suggestion: having a description file text field. I have a page with many downloads and it’s more convenient to show automatically a description relative to the file with the shortcode than editing the complete page.
I find your extension very well done and I started to test it on my site. Thank you very much!
I have 3 suggestions:
1. I would like to open a PDF file in a new tab instead of opening it in the active tab. Is it possible to easily modify a file of the extension while waiting for a new version? And if possible, can you tell me what modification I have to make?
2. I am using the extension on a French-language site and would like to be able to change the word “times” after “Downloaded”. In the same way that “Downloaded” is configurable, is it possible to set “times”? I managed to make this change in the PHP file, but I’m afraid I have to do it again with each new version.
3. Finally, I would like to easily set the display size of the image above the download link. It would be nice if this setting is available in the control panel if it’s possible.Hi Perecedric,
Thanks for checking out the plugin!
I will work on your suggestions in the next couple of days and see what I can do.
To be honest, I really should have changed the word “times” on the last update… it just slipped my mind. However, just thinking about it… I think the image resizing is best done through css so maybe you can have a fiddle with it in the mean time.
I will be sure to leave a reply here once I’ve made the requested changes.
Thank you for your prompt response. For the resizing of the image via CSS, I do not control this well: I prefer not to make mistakes …
Hi Perecedric,
I have released a new version with options to set translations for the words “Time” & “Times”.Please note that both words need to be set for this feature to work.
I have also added an option in the settings to force files to open in a new tab, this will force PDF files to open in a new tab however, it causes a page refresh for all other file types so its up to you if you want to use it or not.
As far as the image resizing goes, there are too many possible configurations for me to possibly please everybody. So, if you would like to set the image to a smaller size and be centred simply set the following CSS in the style.css of your child theme (Obviously, change the width to your preferred size)
.bfd-download-thumbnail { width: 200px !important; display: inherit; }
If that doesn’t achieve what you are looking for, shoot me a message back with what you would like to achieve and I’ll do my best to oblige ??
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
Hi Nick,
Thank you very much for this update!
The option to force PDFs to open in a new tab works very well!
The setting of the “Time” and “Times” fields also works very well. I noticed however a small problem: when I fill these two fields, there is a “:” which appears on the web page, after the entered value.
I looked in the file “public / partials / better-file-download-public-box-display.php” and I think it comes from line 23. I tested by removing the “:” and it works .
For CSS options, I will test as soon as I have time. I will tell you if I succeed.
Thanks again for your quick response!Hi Perecedric,
Thanks for picking that “:” up, I missed it. I have pushed a revised version to the repository so it should now display properly.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
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