• Resolved Cathryn999


    Suggestion for a future update: make the reviews (in the backend) editable. The reason for this is often a guest will include info in their review that you don’t want to publish for privacy, competitive, or legal reasons – I still want to publish their review, but not with the sensitive information.



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  • This feature would be a nice addition indeed.

    Plugin Contributor Nuanced Media


    Hey Cathryn999 and J Rambo,

    There is a trade off with making reviews editable. As they are now, it forces users to display the exactly wording of the clients. This makes reviews more genuine in the eyes of people reading them.

    That being said, people who are looking at your site don’t necessarily understand the you are using a WordPress Plugin that doesn’t allow you to edit them on the back end.

    It is a strange situation that we have been in as we’ve discussed whether or not to allow users to edit reviews. We want to let those who read the reviews know that the review has or hasn’t been altered. Believe me when I say that we are looking into this and trying to figure out the best way to approach it.

    The reviewer makes a typo, or as Cathryn mentioned, adds something that is legally or commercially sensitive, then you either approve the review or disapprove it.

    That doesn’t make much sense.

    If site owners wanted to, they could easily add their own fake reviews – so you preventing legitimate reviews from being edited is a bit unnecessary and inconvenient.

    I guess I’ll have to go into the database and edit the reviews directly in there instead?

    Yes, it’s a simple task to go into the database using phpmyadmin and edit the review directly in there.

    Would be even simpler if they could edited via the WP admin.



    I agree. Making the reviews editable would be nice for privacy reasons (ie, making the reviewers last name an initial). Most likely, any user will think they are being edited in some manner anyway…

    Plugin Contributor Nuanced Media


    Hey All,

    This feature was released recently and we would love to hear your opinions of how it is working for you.

    Thanks for the update, and the new features really improve the plugin and make it a lot more useful.

    I’ve noticed that there are some formatting issues since updating.

    Some special escaped characters such as \r\n are appearing in the reviews that were already approved, and the paragraph breaks have all vanished on the front-end. I guess something in the way you’re formatting the reviews has changed? Is it possible to add gaps between paragraphs in the reviews to make them easier to read – or is this no longer possible?

    Otherwise, it does seem to be working well.

    Just to add to the above, all the apostrophes have a slash in front of them that is appearing on the front-end.

    For example: I\’m

    Plugin Contributor Nuanced Media


    Hey yappari,

    We were attempting to solve the issue of “1/2” not showing up as “12” and we overcorrected. We are currently looking into better handling of the string and will have an update shortly.

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