• Host99c


    Hi. I’m trying out your Theme Switcher. It’s a great idea.

    I would like to use it to sell my themes… (got a couple hundred to upload).

    Issue I see is the “disconnect” between a theme switched to by the viewer, and the post page on which I have my “Buy now” button. Any post page at all could be in front of the visitor; meanwhile, he’s clicking themes in the sidebar widget —

    What would be ideal is an alternative way to trigger the switch.

    I would suggest a short code that can be placed in a post, with the screenshot of the theme, and the “Buy Now” button. The short code should create a button (using my theme’s button style) that says:

    “Click to Preview Theme”. (Optional text controlled by site Admin)

    On click, the theme I am trying to sell is switched for the site’s default theme. The visitor now likes that theme, and hits my “Buy now” button, on the same post-page beside the “Click to Preview Theme” button.

    Otherwise, I think my visitor is going to get confused, whether it’s a sidebar widget or a floating bar, because what he’s viewing is not connected to the post-page he’s on, which may be offering a very different theme — and then he wonders, how do I find that theme to switch to it — when there’s 50, 100, 200 themes to search through.

    The trick is to connect the “switch” to JUST the one theme on the post-page I am selling it on, and keep the options to JUST the one theme on that sales page, not a whole list of themes, no drop-down, no multiple choice.

    Thanks for considering.

    Theme Switcher is a brilliant idea, by the way, it’s gorgeous.

    P.S. — It would be even more interesting if you could partner with Paid Downloads and combine a Theme Switch short code option automatically with each WordPress theme uploaded in the Paid Downloads admin area. That would give me control over file name, price, “switch code” to demo it, and optional button text for the Preview button, all in one place.

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    Let me refine this a bit.

    I would like to have BOTH a widget in the sidebar, AND short code in my sales post.

    I would like a click in the widget to SIMULTANEOUSLY switch to a theme, AND bring up my sales post with the Buy Now button in it to SELL that particular theme.

    I would like an Admin area for Theme Switcher which lets me (optionally) insert the URL of a completed post, and link THAT post to the NAME of the Theme it’s selling, as that NAME appears in Theme Manager.

    This would be a dynamite sales tool.

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