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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    I’ve always said, “no, use Imsanity for that.” However, I do get a LOT of requests for this, so I’m going to stick this to the forum for others to chime in.

    Thread Starter Nicholas Griffin


    Awesome, Imsanity works great, I just think everything runs smoother when it’s all in a single package, well that’s what I’ve found when optimising WordPress myself. Would be great to see if other people think the same.

    In my opinion the best feature would be to resize the images to the max size used into the site. Starting it with a manual command.
    So, only when I’m satisfied of the appearence, I can actually optimaze the images.


    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    @patm2g, I’m not sure what you mean by resizing to max size used into the site. Imsanity gives you a “max size” setting and then your original images are scaled to fit in those dimensions (WordPress still generates any resizes that are registered).

    My intention is to do something similar, and MAYBE look at something that will dynamically detect if you’ve inserted an image in a post that is too big and thus being scaled. I’m open to other ideas on this too, as I’d like to eliminate the resizing portion as a bit of a pain point for folks.

    Does EWWW take over the image compression from WordPress?

    When Imsanity generates its new “Full size” image and compresses it, that compressed image is then compressed again by WP as it generates the “Large”, “Medium” and “Thumbnail” images. I can see jpg artifacts on some of those double-compressed images.

    Does WP use the “Full size” image to generate each of the WP sized images? Or does it use the Full to make the Large, the Large to make the Medium, etc.?

    Does EWWW override what WP would normally do?

    Please add my vote for EWWW to be able to limit image size.

    I believe that I’ve seen someplace that limiting image size is on the list to add to the WordPress core in the future. Do you know anything about that prospect?

    Thanks for a great plugin!

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    I believe WP uses the original image, not the imsanity max size to generate resizes, and then removes the original image afterwards, but not 100% sure on that. Would be a good question for the Imsanity dev. In either case, the Original or the Full is used to make ALL resizes, it does not trickle down from one size to the next.
    EWWW does not override this behavior.

    I have not seen anything about limiting image dimension in core WP, but there is new functionality coming for those using ImageMagick via the Imagick extension that will reduce filesizes via several means:

    Additionally, it is worth noting that the default WP quality for both Imagick AND GD is being lowered to 80 (from 90ish) which results in rather large gains. Naturally, if you’re setting the quality via Imsanity, this does not apply to you, the Imsanity setting will take precedence still, same as any other plugin that allows you to set the JPG quality.

    I realy like the idea of EWWW becoming an all-around-toolkit for handling image imports in wordpress. I guess you could avoid quality loss of re-enconding if everything is handled by one plugin.

    Another feature could be image cropping. I currently use “Manual Image Crop” for this, but the resulting jpg quality isn’t great and you can only choose between 80 and 100%.



    My vote for “Resizing images on upload” – will make EWWW the perfect complete solution



    I vote for this, will make EWWW just the best and most complete plugin! +1

    I vote for this and thanks for the great work on this helpful plugin!

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    @kendawes (and others),
    I’ve finally got the time to work on this, and discovered that Imsanity resizes the uploaded image PRIOR to the generation of resizes by WordPress. Thus, Ken’s concern is very real, and these resizes become “double-sampled”.

    The way I am implementing the image resizing in EWWW IO is AFTER the resizes are generated. This means that resizes are derived from the original image as you uploaded it.

    If you’d like to get your hands on it before it is officially released, you can grab it from the dev branch here:

    The only remaining thing on my todo list is to generate retina versions from the original prior to overwriting it for those using WP Retina 2x Pro.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Retina support has landed for the re-sized image (again, for WPR2X Pro users only).

    For anyone using the -cloud version, grab this instead:

    Thread Starter Nicholas Griffin


    Awesome, so glad this is in EWWW now, just a small thing, it would be awesome if you could add a different resizing level for posts vs everywhere else as sometimes you need a large image outside of a post, for instance, a background.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    I’ll have to see how Imsanity is doing some of that detection.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Ok, I’m going to work on a revamp of the settings that I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and I’ll add in an extra setting for stuff outside of the Media Library/Posts. Going to try and keep it down to just the two options instead of the 3 that Imsanity has.

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