Thank you for your follow up
However, my site still shows the same error after the last plugin update.
The woocommerce page has the follwoign addons
1. WooCommerce Custom Payment Gateway Pro
2. WooCommerce Memberships
3. WooCommerce Subscriptions
4. WooCommerce Stripe Gateway
In chrome console, I see the following error:
Unable to fix malformed JSON ——- checkout.min.js?ver=4.7.1:1
Ok, I cleared the cache and the issue has been resolved ?? ??
However, it shows only the last notification. You can try to add a new notification and you see that only the last notification is seen. So the previous notifications are not shown
Ok again I figured that I was updating the same notification and not creating a new one
Again thank you very much
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This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by